【Daily Bread】见证人 Too Good Not to Share The gospel is too good not to share.福音真是太棒了,让我们不禁要与人分享 2017-05-25
【Daily Bread】The Burden of Waiting 等待的压力 The Burden of Waiting 等待的压力 2017-05-24
【Daily Bread】黑暗中的赞美 Praise In the Dark Praising God helps us recall His goodness that never e 2017-05-23
【Daily Bread】我该饶恕吗 Should I Forgive Forgiving others expresses our trust in God’s right to 2017-05-22
【Daily Bread】前车之鉴 The Ministry of Memory God can use our deepest disappointments to nurture our 2017-05-21
【Daily Bread】 五分钟家规 Five-Minute Rule Prayer is an acknowledgment of our need for God.He wil 2017-05-20
【Daily Bread】轻轻一摸 Just a Touch What difference might we make if we overcome our fears 2017-05-19
【Daily Bread】为什么 ?Questions for God What could be better than getting answers to our why q 2017-05-18
【Daily Bread】永远爱着 Forever Loved Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant 2017-05-17
【Daily Bread】When Morning Comes 云消雾散 When Morning Comes 2017-05-16
【Daily Bread】When Morning Comes 云消雾散 When Morning Comes 2017-05-15
周日【Daily Bread】An Alternative to Anger 避免纷争 Be slow to anger. 不轻易发怒。It is to one’s honor to avoid 2017-05-14
【Daily Bread】学习语言 Learning the Language Before you tell others about Christ, let them see how 2017-05-13
【Daily Bread】不要放弃 Don’t Give Up Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the prop 2017-05-12
【Daily Bread】为小事感恩 The Small Things Praise to God comes naturally when you count your bles 2017-05-11
【Daily Bread】钢琴小了 The Shrinking Piano Spiritual growth is a process.灵命的成长是一个过程。 2017-05-10
【Daily Bread】随时聆听 Always Listening Our God is big enough to hear the smallest voice.最微小的声 2017-05-09
周日【Daily Bread】The Gift of Giving 乐于给予 Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 1 2017-05-07
【Daily Bread】不再掌控 Letting Go God can be trusted to guide us.The Lord had said to Ab 2017-05-06
【Daily Bread】享受美景 Enjoy the View (音频更新) Join God in taking delight in all that He has made.与上帝 2017-05-06