
【Daily Bread】胜过挑战 Overcoming Challenges

God equips us to overcome obstacles and complete the tasks He’s given us to do.


So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. Nehemiah 6:15


We gathered monthly to hold one another accountable to our individual goals. My friend Mary wanted to reupholster the seats of her dining room chairs before the year’s end. At our November meeting she wittily reported her progress from October: “It took ten months and two hours to recover my chairs.” After months of not being able to obtain the materials required, or find the quiet hours away from her demanding job and her toddler’s needs, the project took merely two hours of committed work to finish.


The Lord called Nehemiah to a far greater project: to bring restoration to Jerusalem after its walls had lain in ruin for 150 years (Nehemiah 2:3–5, 12). As he led the people in the labor, they experienced mockery, attacks, distraction, and temptation to sin (4:3, 8; 6:10–12). Yet God equipped them to stand firm—resolute in their efforts—completing a daunting task in just fifty-two days.


Overcoming such challenges requires much more than a personal desire or goal; Nehemiah was driven by an understanding that God appointed him to the task. His sense of purpose invigorated the people to follow his leadership despite incredible opposition. When God charges us with a task—whether to repair a relationship or share what He’s done in our lives—He gives us whatever skills and strength are necessary to continue in our effort to do what He’s asked, no matter what challenges come our way.


Lord, please equip us with Your strength to persevere and finish the tasks You’ve given us. May our labors bring You glory.


Nehemiah 6:1-9   NIV

6 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though up to that time I had not set the doors in the gates— 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono.” But they were scheming to harm me; 3 so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” 4 Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer. 5 Then, the fifth time, Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message, and in his hand was an unsealed letter 6 in which was written: “It is reported among the nations—and Geshem says it is true—that you and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and therefore you are building the wall. Moreover, according to these reports you are about to become their king 7 and have even appointed prophets to make this proclamation about you in Jerusalem: ‘There is a king in Judah!’ Now this report will get back to the king; so come, let us meet together.” 8 I sent him this reply: “Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head.” 9 They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.”But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.”

Nehemiah 6:15   NIV

15 So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.

尼希米记 6:1-9 

6 参巴拉、多比雅、阿拉伯人基善和我们其余的仇敌听见我已经修完了城墙,其中没有破裂之处(那时我还没有安门扇), 2 参巴拉和基善就打发人来见我,说:“请你来,我们在阿挪平原的一个庄村相会。”他们却想害我。 3 于是我差遣人去见他们,说:“我现在办理大工,不能下去。焉能停工下去见你们呢?” 4 他们这样四次打发人来见我,我都如此回答他们。 5 参巴拉第五次打发仆人来见我,手里拿着未封的信, 6 信上写着说:“外邦人中有风声,迦施慕也说,你和犹大人谋反,修造城墙,你要做他们的王。 7 你又派先知在耶路撒冷指着你宣讲说:‘在犹大有王!’现在这话必传于王知。所以请你来,与我们彼此商议。” 8 我就差遣人去见他,说:“你所说的这事一概没有,是你心里捏造的。” 9 他们都要使我们惧怕,意思说:“他们的手必软弱,以致工作不能成就。”神啊,求你坚固我的手!

尼希米记 6:15 

15 以禄月二十五日,城墙修完了,共修了五十二天。



What kinds of challenges have you faced? How has God helped you to overcome them?



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