
【Daily Bread】不必担保 No Co-Signer Required

God’s promises are sure.


People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said. Hebrews 6:16


When a person without a long history of paying his or her bills on time wants to obtain a loan to purchase a home or car, lenders are often reluctant to take the financial risk. Without a track record, that person’s promise to repay what he borrows is insufficient for the bank. The would-be borrower usually resorts to finding someone who does have a history of making good on their debts, asking them to put their name on the loan too. The co-signer’s promise assures the lender the loan will be repaid.


When someone makes a promise to us—whether for financial, marital, or other reasons—we expect them to keep it. We want to know that God will keep His promises too. When He promised Abraham that He would bless him and give him “many descendants” (Hebrews 6:14; see Genesis 22:17), Abraham took God at His word. As the Creator of all that exists, there is no one greater than He; only God could guarantee His own promise.


Abraham had to wait for the birth of his son (Hebrews 6:15) (and never saw how innumerable his offspring would grow to be), but God proved faithful to His promise. When He promises to be with us always (13:5), to hold us securely (John 10:29), and to comfort us (2 Corinthians 1:3–4), we too can trust Him to be true to His word.

虽然亚伯拉罕必须耐心等候孩子的到来(希伯来书6章15节),也没有机会看到自己数不尽的后裔,但上帝确实信守诺言。同样地,上帝也已承诺祂会永远与我们同在(13章5节)、看顾保守我们(约翰福音10章29节) ,以及安慰我们(哥林多后书1章3-4节) ,我们也大可相信,上帝必说到做到。

Lord, thank You for being so trustworthy. I need no other promises but Your word. Help me to trust You more and more each day.


Hebrews 6:13-20    NIV

6 When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.” 15 And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. 16 People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. 17 Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. 18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. 19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

希伯来书 6:13-20 

6 当初神应许亚伯拉罕的时候,因为没有比自己更大可以指着起誓的,就指着自己起誓,说: 14 “论福,我必赐大福给你;论子孙,我必叫你的子孙多起来。” 15 这样,亚伯拉罕既恒久忍耐,就得了所应许的。 16 人都是指着比自己大的起誓,并且以起誓为实据,了结各样的争论。 17 照样,神愿意为那承受应许的人格外显明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓为证。 18 借这两件不更改的事——神决不能说谎——好叫我们这逃往避难所、持定摆在我们前头指望的人可以大得勉励。 19 我们有这指望,如同灵魂的锚,又坚固又牢靠,且通入幔内; 20 做先锋的耶稣既照着麦基洗德的等次成了永远的大祭司,就为我们进入幔内。



In Hebrews 6:19, the metaphor of an anchor is used to describe the believer’s secure hope. This metaphor was a common one in Greco-Roman literature and was used to describe a person’s security and hope based on their good character.


But the author of Hebrews does not describe the believer’s “anchor”—their hope (6:11–12)—as based on their own character. Instead, the author says our hope is found “behind the curtain” (v. 19)—alluding to the “holy of holies” in the temple. In the past, this was the primary place where God’s people could fully experience God’s presence. Only the high priest could enter, and only once a year.


But now Jesus, the One both fully God and fully human, is our priest, the One who gives access to God. Because He has conquered sin and death, our rock-solid hope is anchored in Him. Through Christ we experience the very presence and power of God (v. 20).



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