
【Daily Bread】When the Water Blushed 话语的能力

Read: John 1:1-14

The written Word reveals the Living Word.


In the beginning was the Word . . . . Through him all things were made.

John 1:1, 3


Why did Jesus come to Earth before the invention of photography and video? Couldn’t He have reached more people if everyone could see Him? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.


“No,” says Ravi Zacharias, who asserts that a word can be worth “a thousand pictures.” As evidence, he quotes poet Richard Crashaw’s magnificent line, “The conscious water saw its Master and blushed.” In one simple line, Crashaw captures the essence of Jesus’ first miracle (John 2:1-11). Creation itself recognizes Jesus as the Creator. No mere carpenter could turn water to wine.


Another time, when Christ calmed a storm with the words, “Quiet! Be still,” His stunned disciples asked, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:39, 41). Later, Jesus told the Pharisees that if the crowd did not praise Him, “the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40). Even the rocks know who He is.

另一次,基督平静风浪时只说:「住了吧!静了吧!」门徒惊异地问:「这到底是谁,连风和海也听从祂了」(马可福音4章39、41节) 。耶稣也曾告诉法利赛人,若群众不赞美祂,「这些石头必要呼叫起来」(路加福音19章40节) ,因为连石头也知道祂是谁。

John tells us, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen His glory” (John 1:14). Out of that eyewitness experience John also wrote, “We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. . . . He is the Word of life” (1 John 1:1 nlt). Like John, we can use our words to introduce others to Jesus whom wind and water obey.

使徒约翰告诉我们:「道成了肉身,住在我们中间……我们也见过祂的荣光」(约翰福音1章14节)。约翰亲身见过,所以他说:「论到从起初原有的生命之道,就是我们所听见、所看见」(约翰一书1章1节) 。我们也可以像约翰一样,向人见证那位连风和水都听从祂的耶稣。

Jesus, we acknowledge You as the Creator who knows and loves His creation. Yet You wait for us to invite You into every aspect of our lives. Forgive us for those times we keep You at a safe distance. Today we choose to risk knowing You more completely.


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