
【Daily Bread】The Power of God’s Music 颂主得力

Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.


Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly . . . with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Colossians 3:16

你们要让基督的信息丰丰富富地长住在你们心里。……用诗篇、圣诗、灵歌……颂赞上帝。-歌罗西书3章16节, 现中修订版


The Sound of Music, one of the most successful musical films ever produced, was released as a motion picture in 1965. It won many accolades, including five Academy Awards, as it captured the hearts and voices of people around the world. More than half a century later, people still attend special showings of the film where viewers come dressed as their favorite character and sing along during the performance.


 Music is deeply rooted in our souls. And for followers of Jesus, it is a powerful means of encouraging each other along the journey of faith. Paul urged the believers in Colossae, “Let Christ’s teaching live in your hearts, making you rich in the true wisdom. Teach and help one another along the right road with your psalms and hymns and Christian songs, singing God’s praises with joyful hearts” (Col. 3:16 Phillips).


Singing together to the Lord embeds the message of His love in our minds and souls. It is a powerful ministry of teaching and encouragement that we share together. Whether our hearts cry out, “Create in me a pure heart, O God” (Ps. 51:10), or joyfully shout, “And he will reign forever and ever” (Rev. 11:15), the power of music that exalts God lifts our spirits and grants us peace.

我们一起歌颂主,便能将祂爱的信息深植于心。在吟唱诗歌的过程中,我们得着教导、彼此鼓励。无论是我们的心呐喊「上帝啊,求祢为我造清洁的心」(诗篇51篇10节) ,或喜乐地高声颂扬「祂要作王,直到永永远远」(启示录11章15节) ,这些颂扬上帝的音乐都能使我们得着激励,心得平安。

Let us sing to the Lord today.


Thank You, Lord, for Your gift of music. We sing Your praise together and learn more of Your love and power.



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