
【Daily Bread】Growing Up 渐渐增长

Read: Ephesians4:1-16

Theres joy inthe journey as we walk alongside each other.


From him the wholebody . . . grows and builds itself up in love.   Ephesians 4:16

全身都靠祂……便叫身体渐渐增长,在爱中建立自己。 -以弗所书416


Watchingmy young grandson and his friends play T-Ball is entertaining. In this versionof baseball, young players often run to the wrong base or don’t know what to dowith the ball if they happen to catch it. If we were watching a professional baseball game, these mistakes wouldnot be so funny.



It’sall a matter of maturity. It’s okay for young athletes to struggle—not knowingwhat to do or not getting everything exactly right. They are trying andlearning. So we coach them and patiently guide them toward maturity. Then wecelebrate their success as later they play with skill as a team.



Somethingsimilar happens in the life of those who follow Jesus. Paul pointed out thatthe church needs people who will “be patient, bearing with one another in love”(Eph. 4:2). And we need a variety of “coaches” (pastors, teachers, spiritualmentors) to help us all move toward “unity in the faith” as we strive to“become mature” (v. 13).



Thegoal as we listen to preaching and teaching and enjoy life together in thechurch is to grow up to maturity in Christ (v. 15). Each of us is on thisjourney, and we can encourage each other on the road to maturity in Jesus.



Prayer 祷告:

Lord, help me to strive formaturity. Thank You for equipping the church with men and women who can help megrow in my faith. Show me who I can encourage today.


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