
【Daily Bread】 The Voice of Faith 信心的声音

Read: Habakkuk 3:16-19

We can learn the lesson of trust in the school of trial.




Though the fig tree does not bud . . . yet I will rejoice in the Lord.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

The news was numbing. The tears came so quickly that she couldn’t fight them. Her mind raced with questions, and fear threatened to overwhelm her. Life had been going along so well, when it was abruptly interrupted and forever changed without warning.


Tragedy can come in many forms—the loss of a loved one, an illness, the loss of wealth or our livelihood. And it can happen to anyone at any time.


Although the prophet Habakkuk knew that tragedy was coming, it still struck fear in his heart. As he waited for the day when Babylon would invade the kingdom of Judah, his heart pounded, his lips quivered, and his legs trembled (Hab. 3:16).

然而,即使先知哈巴谷已预先知道会有灾难发生,但他的内心仍然充满恐惧。当他等待着巴比伦入侵犹大国的那一天到来,他极度不安,嘴唇发颤,双腿颤抖 (哈巴谷书3章16节) 。

Fear is a legitimate emotion in the face of tragedy, but it doesn’t have to immobilize us. When we don’t understand the trials we are going through, we can recount how God has worked in history (vv. 3-15). That’s what Habakkuk did. It didn’t dispel his fear, but it gave him the courage to move on by choosing to praise the Lord (v. 18).

遇到患难,心生恐惧是很自然的反应,但却不能因此而意志消沉、一蹶不振。即使不明白为何会面对试炼,我们仍然可以数算过去上帝的大能作为 (3-15节) ,这就是哈巴谷面对恐惧的方式。即使他心里的害怕并未因此而烟消云散,但是当他选择赞美上帝,他就有勇气继续前进 (18节) 。

Our God who has proven Himself faithful throughout the years is always with us. Because His character doesn’t change, in our fear we can say with a confident voice of faith, “The Sovereign Lord is my strength!” (v. 19).

我们的上帝在过去的年日,已经向我们显明了祂的信实,就是祂永远与我们同在。上帝的属性永不改变,因此即便是在惧怕当中,我们还是可以凭着信心,用坚定的声音说:「主耶和华是我的力量!」 (19节)

Dear Lord, when my world is turned upside down, help me to trust You. You have always been faithful to me.





Habakkuk? ?3:16-19? ?NIV??

“I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones, and my legs trembled. Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us. Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”



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