
Strength For Today | 自制 Self-Control



 “And in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance . . .” (2 Peter 1:6).


Personal self-control demonstrates the certainty of your salvation.


     In Peter’s day, the word translated “self-control” was used to describe athletes. The successful ones abstained from sexual activity and an unhealthy diet for the sake of disciplined training exercises. You practice personal self-control when you control your desires and don’t allow them to control you.


Let me share some practical tips that have helped me with self-control.


1. Start small. For example, begin by cleaning your bedroom or office, then extend that discipline to the rest of your home.

1. 从小处入手。举例,开始打扫你的卧室或办公室,然后扩大到整个屋子。

2. Be on time. This is more than good advice; it’s based on Scripture (see Eccles. 8:6; Eph. 5:15-16). Learn to budget your time, and discipline your desires so you can arrive at places on time.


3. Organize your life. Use a schedule book, or make a daily list of things you need to do. Don’t let circumstances control your time.

3. 计划你的生活。用一个日程本,或是列下每天当作的事情。不要让意外状况控制你的时间。

4. Practice self-denial. Periodically refrain from something that is all right just to remind yourself who’s in charge. Sometime when you want a hot fudge sundae, have a glass of iced tea instead.


5. Do the hardest job first. Doing this will keep you from letting the difficult tasks slide by undone.

5. 首先做最难的工作。这样可以防止最难的任务被搁浅。

6. Accept correction. Constructive criticism helps you become more disciplined because it shows you what to avoid. Acknowledge the courage of the one who corrects you. It’s almost always easier to keep silent, but that person, especially if he or she is a believer, spoke up because he or she likely had your best interest at heart.

6. 接受校正。建设性的批评可以帮助你更好的节制,因为它让你知道应该避免什么。感谢有勇气给你指正的人。大多数情况下保持沉默更容易,但那个给你指正的人,尤其他或她是基督徒的话,之所以说出来是因为他或她可能最关心你的内心。

7. Welcome responsibility. If you’re qualified for a task or assignment that arises, such as opportunities at church, volunteer occasionally. That will prompt you to be disciplined and organized.


Some of the items on my list may not seem very spiritual and may even sound silly. However, I’ve found that pursuing discipline in the secular realm often carries over to the spiritual. Any theology that separates faith from practical conduct is heresy. Self-control is a great Christian virtue and solid proof that one’s salvation is genuine.


Suggestions for Prayer


Ask God to help you get better control of an area in which you lack discipline.


For Further Study


Read 1 Corinthians 9:25; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8; 2:2. How do those verses underscore the importance of self-control? Explain.

阅读哥林多前书9:25,提摩太前书3:2, 提多书1:8,2:2. 解释一下,这些经文中如何强调节制的重要性的?

作者:John MacAuthor

翻译:Ruth Wei



本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Strength for Today】,1997年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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