
Strength For Today | 所应许的圣灵

The Promised Holy Spirit

“‘I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth’” (John 14:16-17).


Jesus ministered by the power of the Holy Spirit, and He has promised the same Spirit to all believers.


The fluctuating economy of the 1990s and its changing workplace have left many workers with the sense that they’ll probably have to change jobs several times during their careers.


Even though economies may enter new phases and leave people with uncertainties, God’s promises remain completely reliable. His promise, made through His Son, our Lord and Savior, to send the Holy Spirit is one such pledge. This very important scriptural promise was first given in today’s text, which Jesus gave to the disciples during the first part of His Upper Room discourse. His words, coming on the eve of His death, gave much comfort to the disciples; but the promise is also part of Christ’s rich legacy to Christians today.


This promise consists of four elements. First, Jesus promises a supernatural Helper. He called Him “another” Helper, which means “another who is identical.” He is sending us exactly the sort of Helper He was, except the Spirit lives in us (John 14:17).

该应许由四个要素组成。首先,耶稣应许有一位超自然的保惠师。他称其为“另一位”保惠师,意思是“另一位完全同等的”。 除了住在我们里的圣灵,他要差给我们一位完全像他一样的帮助者(约14:17)。
Second, the promise means supernatural life for us. When we are saved and have the Holy Spirit, we become sensitive to Christ’s working in the world, and we begin to see things from a divine perspective (
John 14:19).


Third, the Spirit comes as a supernatural Teacher (John 14:26). This is one of the most vital aspects of the Spirit’s ministry because it reminds us of our complete dependence on Christ.


Finally, Christ’s promise of the Holy Spirit brings a supernatural peace (John 14:27). This is a peace that aggressively and positively deals with our daily troubles and turns them into joy (Phil. 4:7).


If you know and love the Lord Jesus and are obeying Him, the promise of the Spirit, with all its implications, is available for you to apply and enjoy (John 14:2115:5).


Suggestions for Prayer 祷告建议

Thank God for the promise of the Spirit, and pray that you would fully realize every aspect of that promise.


For Further Study 进深研读

Read 1 John 5:1-7.


  • What      does this passage say about the interrelationship of love for God and      obedience to His commands?

  • What      are the basic characteristics of love and obedience?

  • 对于爱神和顺服祂的命令之间的相互关系,本段谈论了什么?

  • 爱与顺服的基本特征是什么?

作者:John MacAuthor


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Strength for Today】,1997年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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