
【Drawing Near】Understanding God's Will 明白神的旨意

Understanding God's Will


"We have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding" (Col. 1:9).


Godly living results from being controlled by the principles of God’s Word.


Paul's prayer for the Philippians (Phil. 1:9-11) is closely paralleled by his prayer for the Colossians (Col. 1:9-12). Both epistles were written from the same Roman prison at about the same time in Paul's life. Both prayers focus on godly living, but each approaches it from a slightly different perspective.


The Philippians were gracious people who needed to exercise greater knowledge and discernment in their love. The Colossians also were gracious but their devotion to Christ was being challenged by heretics who taught that Christ is insufficient for salvation and godly living. True spirituality, the false teachers said, is found in Christ plus human philosophy, religious legalism, mysticism, or asceticism. Paul encouraged the Colossian believers and refuted the false teachers by showing the utter sufficiency of Christ.


At the outset of his prayer Paul stressed the importance of being controlled by the knowledge of God's will (which is revealed in His Word). That's the meaning of the Greek word translated "filled" in verse 9. "Knowledge" translates a word that speaks of a deep, penetrating knowledge that results in behavioral change. "Spiritual wisdom and understanding" refers to knowledge that cannot be known through human reasoning or philosophy. It is imparted by the Holy Spirit Himself.


In effect Paul was saying, "I pray that you will be continually controlled by the life-transforming knowledge of God's will, which the Holy Spirit imparts as you prayerfully study and meditate on God's Word."


Scripture supplies the principles you need to live a godly life. The Spirit gives you the power to do so. Many false teachers will try to divert you from the simplicity of devotion to Christ by offering you philosophy, psychology, and a myriad of other hopeless alternatives. Don't be victimized. In Christ you have everything you need!


Suggestions for Prayer


  • Thank God for His all-sufficient Son and for the resources that are yours in Him.

  • Ask for wisdom to apply those resources to every situation you face today.

  • 为着圣子全然的充足丰富,为着在基督里这一切资源都是你的,向神献上感谢!

  • 求神赐你智慧在你每日面对的各样境况中运用这些资源。

For Further Study


Read Colossians 1:15—2:23.


  • What was Christ's role in creation?

  • What was Paul's goal as a minister?

  • What warnings and commands did Paul give?

  • 在创世时基督担当什么角色?

  • 作为一个侍奉神的人,保罗的目标是什么?

  • 保罗给了我们什么告诫和命令?

作者:John MacAuthor


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Drawing Near】,1993年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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