
【Easter 复活节】Key dates for Easter this year 有关复活节的重要日期

When is Easter Sunday in 2016? Key dates for Easter this year 


中文翻译:Ruth Wei



Easter Sunday this year falls on March 27. It's the day on which Christians celebrate Christ's rising from the dead. It is usually a joyful celebration and Christians make a special effort to be in church on that day. Often churches have sunrise services, reflecting the visit of the women to Jesus' tomb "very early in the morning, while it was still dark" (John 20:1). 

今年的复活节是 3 月 27 日的主日。复活节是基督徒庆祝耶稣从死里复活的节日。 庆祝复活节是非常喜乐的事情,在复活节那天基督徒都会尽量在教会里一起庆 祝。教会经常会有日出的礼拜,正如当年“天还黑的时候,抹大拉的马利亚来到坟 墓那里,看见石头从坟墓挪开了”(约翰福音 20:1)。 

There are slightly different accounts in the four Gospels of the Resurrection. None of them, however, describe it; they speak of the discovery of the empty 

tomb and of encounters with the risen Lord, but the Resurrection itself, which was not witnessed by anyone, is beyond the writers' powers of description. 

四部福音书里关于耶稣复活的记载略有不同。但是,没有一部福音书,对其具 体描述。圣经中记载了空坟墓的发现,遇见复活的主,但是关于复活本身,却 没有人亲眼看到,也非作者的描述能力所能提及。 

John's Gospel contains some of the most memorable images, including the stories of Peter and John going into the tomb and finding the grave clothes, and Mary mistaking Jesus for the gardener. 

约翰福音记载了其中一些重要的场景,包括彼得和约翰进入坟墓并发现裹尸布, 还有马利亚误把耶稣当成守门人。 

In some ways, Mark's account is the most interesting. His Gospel originally finished at 16:8 and scholars are sure the rest of the chapter is a later addition. This means its last words are: "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone because they were afraid." There's a sense in these words that the future is open and that life with the risen Lord will be a continuing adventure. 

从某种角度上来说,马可福音的记载最为有趣。马可福音最初只有 16 章 8 节, 而学者们确认后面的章节是后来添加的。也就是说最后的经文:“她们就出来, 从坟墓那里逃跑,又发抖又惊奇,什么也不告诉人,因为她们害怕。”其中所包 含的意思就是未来的路已经展开了,和复活的主一起经历的生命将是一个持续 的冒险。  

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