
有声圣经时光 | 在主里顺服父母 Obey Your Parents In the Lord


Obey Your Parents In the Lord


Proverbs 1:8 Listen, my son, to your fathers instruction and do not forsake your mothers teaching. They will be agarland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

箴言1:8-9 我儿,要听你父亲的训诲,不可离弃你母亲的法则(或作“指教”),因为这要作你头上的华冠,你项上的金链。


Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

以弗所书6:1 你们作儿女的,要在主里听从父母,这是理所当然的。

Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

歌罗西书3:20 你们作儿女的,要凡事听从父母,因为这是主所喜悦的。

1. Listen to your parents’ instruction and do not forsake their teaching.

1.  要听从父母的训诲,不可离弃他们的法则。

2. Obey your parents in the Lord.

2. 在主里顺从父母。

3. Obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

3. 主喜悦我们凡事听从父母。


Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving us parents, through whom we experience love. May our families seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and may we please you by obeying our parents in everything in you.




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