



第一首来自美国的小童星Jackie EvanchoJackie 200049日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 Richland小镇,美国古典跨界唱法(Classical Cross over)的著名童星。



Jackie 也是联合国「人道? 仁慈社会」的形象大使,该组织是为鼓励青少年更多参与保护动物的活动。在其诸多荣誉之中,Jackie被美国国家少年联盟评选为2011年十大最有礼节的人物之一。


下面这首「To Believe」,小小年纪的Jackie 以天籁般的歌声感动了无数观众,也让我们从内心发出最真诚的祈祷。

To Believe

Before I lay me down to rest
I ask the Lord one small request
I know I have all I could need
But this prayer is not for me

Too many people on this day
Don't have a peaceful place to stay
Let all fighting cease that your children may see peace
Wipe their tears of sorrow away

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each prayer

Let me try always to believe
That we can hear the hearts that grieve
Please help us not ignore
The anguished cries of the poor
Or their pain will never leave

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear their cries and listen to each prayer

Father, as you see, I'm just a child
And there's so much to understand
But if Your Grace should surround me
Then I'll do the best I can
I promise, I'll do the very best I can

To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow's counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each
Prayer {Hear each cry and listen to each prayer}

Help us do Your will oh Father
In the name of all that's true
And we'll see in one another
The loving image of You

耶稣说,我们若不回转像小孩就不能进天国。小孩子向着天父单纯的爱,常常让我们感动不已。孩子怕疼,怕黑夜,但在接下来的赞美诗《no more night》中No more night,no more pain,No more tears, never crying again——不再有黑夜,不再有痛苦,不再流泪,不再哭泣。正因为他们对神单纯的依赖,才会有如此坚强的宣告,一起来听歌。


最后一首《Over the rainbow》相信大家都很熟悉,彩虹是神给我们的约定,是神救赎的标记。在彩虹之上我们看到了神的爱,愿我们的爱能像小孩子那样单纯,没有怀疑,没有忧虑。越单纯的心越有力量,让我们在小孩子的天籁之音中个感受到爱的力量,颂赞飞扬,我是小漠,我们下期再见。

Over The Rainbow



Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high


There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby


Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue


And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true


Someday I'll wish upon a star


And wake up where the clouds are far behind me


 Where troubles melt like lemon drops


Away above the chimney tops


That's where you'll find me


Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly


 Birds fly over the rainbow


 Why then, oh why can't I?


If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow

 如果快乐的小青鸟儿 飞过了彩虹

Why, oh why can't I? 那麼,为何我不能?


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