



“我看他却不在现时,...... 有星要出于雅各,有杖要兴于以色列 ......。” - 民 24:17






马太福音第2章讲述耶稣降生的时候照耀伯利恒城的那颗明星,而在马太福音第4章中,耶稣说祂是那照耀活在黑暗里的百姓的光 (参看以赛亚书9:2)。所以,耶稣就是那星,耶稣就是那永远掌管万有的权杖。就是在今天,祂仍在掌权!




 A Picture Of The Messiah

“I see him, but not now. . . . A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. . . .” — Numbers 24:17


The Israelites had traveled through the wilderness for many years. As they approached their promised inheritance in the land of Canaan, Balaam, a charismatic prophet, tried to curse Israel on behalf of the king of Moab. Balaam’s job was to make the nations of Moab and Edom more powerful than Israel. But the one true God would not let him speak against Israel.

God has the power to turn negatives into positives. Remember this always!

And who was this star or scepter that would rise? Some say it was King David, who fought and overcame many of Israel’s enemies. Others say it referred to later kings over God’s people. Still others say that Jesus, the Messiah, is both the star and the scepter.

We can see from this example that people have a multitude of interpretations of Scripture, and sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what the Bible is saying. But Christians understand the New Testament to be a continuation and fulfillment of the Old Testament.

Matthew 2 tells the story of the star that shone over Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth, and in Matthew 4 Jesus says he is the light that has dawned over the people living in darkness (see also Isaiah 9:2). Jesus is the star. Jesus is the scepter that rules over everything forever—ruling even now!


Star of Bethlehem, Light of the World, Ruler of the Universe, we recognize only you as Messiah, Savior, and Lord. Reign in us today, Lord Jesus. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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