
每日箴言(中英)︱逾越节和出埃及(记号:一只羔羊) Passover And Exodus (Symbol: A Lamb)



“正当那日,耶和华将以色列人按着他们的军队,从埃及地领出来。” - 出 12:51

? 灵修



和这个时刻同样重要的是,对旧约中神的百姓来说,它指向神的大家庭的决定性时刻,这个大家庭是由万国万民组成的。它还涉及到一次献祭,应许的成就,以及一次奇妙的拯救。耶稣,“神的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的。”(约 1:29),祂洒出宝血保护了我们,使我们免了因着我们的罪而来的死亡咒诅。所以现在,凡相信祂作为救主的人,都能从罪的奴役中得释放,拥有全新的、丰盛的生命。


? 祷告



Passover And Exodus (Symbol: A Lamb)

"On that very day the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt." — Exodus 12:51


? Devotion

The Passover is a defining moment for the people of Israel. On the eve of their escape from slavery, God’s people dab their doorframes with the blood of a lamb. And as God brings judgment on all the false gods of Egypt that night, a destructive plague passes over the homes protected by lamb’s blood.

The moment of Passover is to be remembered forever as a sign and seal of God’s deliverance of his people. Forever after, in keeping the Passover, the people of Israel remember God’s mighty deliverance from slavery and his promised faithfulness.

As important as this moment is for God’s Old Testament people, it points to the defining moment for God’s full family, made up of people of all nations. It also involves a sacrifice, fulfilled promises, and an amazing deliverance. Jesus, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), shed his blood to protect us from the curse of death for our sins. So now all who believe in him as Savior can be freed from their slavery to sin and have new, full life.

On Christmas we celebrate the birth that looks ahead to Jesus’ death on the cross. Let your longing for the birth of the Lamb of God saturate all you do today.

? Prayer

Jesus, your blood washes us clean of our sin and delivers us to new life. In joy and thanksgiving, help us to live for you, our precious Lord and Savior, in whose name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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