
每日箴言(中英)︱ 神的供应(记号:粮食)



“神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留余种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。” - 创 45:7

? 灵修

如果有人能声称自己是圣经人物中的受害者,约瑟算一个。他的哥哥们把他卖作奴隶。一个错误的指控又让他在监里蹲了几年。但后来,非常戏剧化地,法老将他从监狱里提出来,使他有权柄治理埃及全地(创 37-41)。

如果是别人来讲这个故事,这就是一个复仇故事的完美开端。但这是神的故事。当约瑟那些背信弃义的哥哥们来要粮食的时候,他们得到了超乎所求的粮食。藉着约瑟,他们接收到怜悯和极大的拯救(创 42-44)。约瑟一向很有远见,他看到了哥哥们不能看到的:是神自己导演了这个故事。哪怕是人们所行的恶,神也能将之做成救赎。



? 祷告



God’s Providence (Symbol: Sack Of Grain)

“God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance." — Genesis 45:7


? Devotion

If anyone can claim to be a victim of biblical proportions, Joseph can. His brothers sell him into slavery. A false accusation lands him in prison for several years. But then, quite dramatically, Pharaoh delivers Joseph from prison and places him in authority over all of Egypt (Genesis 37-41).

If someone else were telling it, this would be the perfect setup for a vengeance story. But this is God’s story. When Joseph’s traitorous brothers show up looking for some grain, they get more than they ask for. They receive compassionate, abundant deliverance from God through Joseph (Genesis 42-44). Joseph, always the visionary, sees what they can’t: God himself has directed the whole story. Even out of the evil that people do, God works redemption.

Those sacks of grain mean more than the survival of one family. They mean the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem his people—more populous than stars or the dust of the desert—people who trust him.

Joseph the betrayed victim became Joseph the savior. And his story prefigures another betrayal, another victim, and the ultimate Savior. Jesus, though innocent of any sin, was arrested, falsely accused, and executed on a cross. Yet out of this travesty of justice God perfected the deliverance of his people. No matter what each day brings your way, trust God and celebrate his providence.


? Prayer

Father, help us to fully trust you and celebrate your goodness today. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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