



“忽然,地大震动,因为有主的使者从天上下来,把石头滚开,坐在上面。” - 太 28:2

? 灵修


司布真(Charles Spurgeon)曾就这个主题传讲了一篇信息:“石头滚开了”。他提醒我们,想像一下妇女们带着香料来到坟墓前的情景,她们不知道有谁会协助她们把石头从墓门滚开(马可福音 16:1-3)。从某些角度来看,她们的疑惑总括了我们心中很多的问题:我们如何越过我们生命中最大的障碍呢?我们的生命路上布满了巨型的路障,就像推不动的石头,有谁会帮助我们移开它们呢?然而,当妇女来到坟墓前时,她们发现石头已经被移开,并且有天使在上面坐着!神真是幽默啊:这块石头不单不再是障碍,它已成为一处休憩之地、一个胜利的标志、以及日后很多美好故事的根基。石头已经被滚开了!

? 祷告



The Stone Was Rolled Back

"There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it." - Matthew 28:2


? Devotion

In Matthew’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, there are several references to the tomb that was cut out of rock and the stone that was rolled away. The story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is not complete without this incredible detail about the stone being rolled away. This wasn’t just any stone. It was a big wheel chiseled from rock and rolled into a groove in front of the tomb. It would have taken several people to roll it into place and move it out of the way again.

On this topic Charles Spurgeon preached a triumphant sermon called “The Stone Rolled Away.” He reminds us to picture the women walking up to the tomb, bringing spices with them, and wondering who could move the stone for them (Mark 16:1-3). In some ways their wondering sums up many of our questions: How will we ever get past the biggest obstacles in our lives? In all of our paths are huge barriers, immovable stones. Who can move them for us? And yet, when the women arrive, they find the stone moved and an angel sitting on it! There is divine humor here: not only is the big stone no longer an obstacle; it’s a resting place, a sign of triumph, and a foundation of all the best stories to come. The stone has been rolled away!

? Prayer

Lord, roll away the stones of doubt, confusion, and darkness in our lives. Remove whatever stands in the way between us and everlasting life. For yours is the glory forever. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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