



“耶稣在一个地方祷告。祷告完了,有个门徒对他说:‘求主教导我们祷告。’”- 路 11:1

? 灵修

你有没有想过,耶稣为什么祷告?路加福音 5:16告诉我们:“耶稣却退到旷野去祷告。”主对祷告的热诚,可能会令我们感到惊讶;祂既是神,为什么也需要祷告呢?

福音书记载了耶稣传道时在某些关键性时刻的祷告。首先,我们记得,在旷野“禁食四十昼夜”之后,耶稣便受到试探(马太福音 4:2),这里虽然没有提到祷告,但是,在圣经中,祷告和禁食通常都是相提并论的,所以,假设耶稣热切祷告来预备祂将要面对的试探,是不会错的。

此外,经过“整夜祷告神”后,耶稣拣选了祂的十二个门徒(路加福音 6:12),藉着祷告,祂得到圣灵的引领,拣选了与祂最亲近的门徒。我们在路加福音11章看到,耶稣刚刚祷告完毕,其中一个门徒请耶稣教导他们祷告,于是耶稣便以我们今日称为主祷文的祷告来教导他们(也可参看马太福音 6:9-13)。



? 祷告



? The Prayer Life Of Jesus

"Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray.'" — Luke 11:1


? Devotion

Have you ever wondered why Jesus prayed? As Luke 5:16 informs us, "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." The Lord's passion for prayer may surprise us. He is God; why would he need to pray at all?

The gospels record Jesus praying at key moments in his ministry. First, remember that Jesus was tempted in the wilderness "after fasting forty days and forty nights" (Matthew 4:2). Prayer is not mentioned here, but since prayer and fasting are often connected in the Bible, it's safe to assume that Jesus prayed intensely to prepare for the temptations that would follow.

In addition, Jesus chose his twelve disciples after he "spent the night praying to God" (Luke 6:12). Through prayer, he was guided by the Spirit to choose his closest followers. In Luke 11 we read that one of the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray just after he had finished praying. In response, he taught them the prayer we know today as the Lord's Prayer (see also Matthew 6:9-13).

On the night before he died, Jesus prayed as never before, earnestly wrestling with God. Our Lord's submission to death on a cross for our sake, obeying the will of his Father, was the fruit of that prayerful struggle.

Through prayer Jesus received strength, discernment, instruction, and obedience. The bottom line is this: if Jesus needed to pray, how much more do we?

? Prayer

Thank you, Jesus, for showing how important it is to pray. Help us to follow your example. Thank you for giving us prayer so that we grow closer to you. In your name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳








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