



“他们必像冠冕上的宝石,在他的地上发光辉。” - 亚 9:16



撒迦利亚的预言,是对犹大的百姓说的,目的是提醒他们神完美无缺的计划,并且以将来的拯救来鼓励他们。撒迦利亚用文字描绘出令人惊叹的图画,来表明神祂的应许,应许拯救者弥赛亚将要成就的救恩和恢复。他的信息指出,神非常喜悦祂的子民 — 他们必会得到恢复,“必像冠冕上的宝石,在他的地上发光。”神必定会看顾衪宝贵的儿女,因为他们是属衪的,祂希望看到他们完全的恢复。

保罗在以弗所书 3:10-11说,神已经藉着教会把衪超然的智慧显给世上的执政掌权者看,这教会建造在弥赛亚耶稣基督所立的根基上。神的子民将会发出光辉,在四面八方彰显衪的智慧和荣美。




 Like Jewels In A Crown

"They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown." - Zechariah 9:16



There is a place on the Pacific coast that we like to visit. We walk slowly along the beach with our heads down, picking up small rocks, worn smooth after years and years of being rolled back and forth by the waves. When the rocks are wet, they glisten with every color of the rainbow. I often wonder how such a variety of rocks would end up on one beach. Zechariah’s words “They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown” make me think of that beach.

The prophecy of Zechariah was given to the people of Judah to remind them of God’s overarching plans and to encourage them about deliverance in the future. Zechariah painted awe-inspiring word pictures of the salvation and restoration that the Messiah, the promised deliverer, would accomplish. The message speaks of God’s great delight in his people—they will be restored and “will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.” God will take care of his precious sons and daughters because they are his and he wants to see them fully restored.

In Ephesians 3:10-11, Paul writes that God has revealed his amazing wisdom to the rulers and powers of this world through the church, which is built on the foundation set by the Messiah, Jesus Christ. God’s people will shine as they reveal God’s wisdom and beauty everywhere.


Father, we know your love for us is vast, and it touches us deeply to know how much you delight in us. Let our lives shine for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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