



“藉着我的神跳过墙垣。” - 诗 18:29


昨天我们谈到史坦沃姆斯峰(Stawamus Chief) — 位于加拿大卑诗省的那座庄丽花岗独石。这座岩石的其中一面是一个陡直的悬崖,远足和攀岩的人称这悬崖为巨墙(Grand Wall)。驾车经过岩石的时候。你会在巨墙上看到一些颜色鲜艳的斑点,如果小心细看,你会发现,那些斑点其实是那些正在攀登那一面山峰的人!







 Can You Scale A Wall?

"With my God I can scale a wall." - Psalm 18:29



Yesterday we talked about Stawamus Chief—the magnificent granite monolith in British Columbia. One of the sides is a sheer cliff, which hikers and climbers refer to as the Grand Wall. When you drive by the Chief, you can sometimes see colorful specks part way up the Grand Wall. If you look closely, you’ll see that those are actually people climbing up the face of the mountain!

Rock climbers need special harnesses, ropes, shoes, clips, and helmets. It’s time-consuming to set up and challenging to climb, even with all the right equipment.

In today’s verse David states, “With my God I can scale a wall.” David was a warrior who, with God’s help, led many successful battles against local enemies who often raided and harassed God’s people. God provided help, resources, and protection, and David knew he could do nothing without God’s constant care. So even while climbing a wall in battle, he could say, “God is with me.”

Did you know God is with you wherever you are, in whatever you are doing? Whether we are scaling a giant rock wall or driving along a road, whether we are working, playing, resting, or sleeping, God surrounds us and guides us. When we are aware of all this, we can also sing along with David: “The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!”


Father, when we are at our weakest, you step in and lift us up to new heights. When we were powerless, you gave us Jesus, our Rescuer. Thank you. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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