



“惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救;他是我的高台,我必不很动摇。” - 诗 62:2




我们要留心,不可把以上的定义硬加在圣经古旧的经文上;然而有趣的是,圣经中称神为“磐石”(the Rock) 或“我的磐石”,超过四十次之多,而很多次都是在诗篇中出现的。耶稣基督也被称为磐石,而论到建造神的教会和国度,祂更被称为顶石或者房角石。





 Overflowing Love

"Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken." - Psalm 62:2



In our family we got into a discussion about the difference between rocks and stones. Is there a difference, or is it just two names for the same thing?

To geologists, who study the earth, as well as to builders and rock collectors, a rock is any mass of mineral matter that has not been changed by human hands. So it can be a huge chunk or a tiny pebble. A rock becomes a stone when it is cut and shaped to build something or to function in some way, like part of a building or roadway.

Now, we can’t impose those definitions on the ancient text of the Bible, but it’s interesting that more than 40 times in Scripture, God is referred to as “the Rock” or as “my rock”—often in the Psalms. Jesus Christ is also referred to as a rock, and he is called the capstone and cornerstone in references to the building of God’s church and kingdom.

What comes to mind when you think of a fortress? Something solid, sturdy, powerful, unshakable? God is all of those things. And in God, through the saving work of Jesus, we are secure, protected, safe. The power of God’s unfailing love is infinitely greater than any attacks trying to threaten us. We can “trust in him at all times.” If we trust in riches, or status, or the ways of this world, our efforts will fail. But “God is our refuge”; in him our destiny is secure. In God our souls find rest and salvation!


God, you alone are our Rock and our salvation. There is no one like you. Help us to trust in you, Lord, that we may never be shaken. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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