



“(他)将地立在根基上。” - 诗 104:5




石头是奇妙的东西,不单是因为它们是美丽的,也是因为它们就像一扇窗户,透过它们我们可以看到生命的实体。神在圣经里使用各种由祂创造的事物向我们说话,例如植物、水、风、动物、石头、跟很多其他的东西。这一切都是美丽的 — 它们就像一扇领我们看到神的美好。

因此,在这个月,让我们在圣经中寻找石头,看看这些石块和宝玉教导我们什么功课 — 有关神的性情、我们自己的性情、和我们在任何境况都需要学习。




 Overflowing Love

"He set the earth on its foundations." - Psalm 104:5



I was fortunate to grow up under the broad, blue skies of the Canadian prairie in Alberta. My three brothers and I spent many happy days of our childhood outside, exploring. Sometimes we stumbled on a bird’s nest or a fawn. We picked saskatoon berries and climbed trees. We also found some amazing rocks, prizing especially the ones that sparkled and glittered with strands of quartz or mica. They were like treasures, and I kept them close.

Now I have children—three boys—and we live in the city of Vancouver. There’s wildlife, including coyotes, raccoons, and eagles. There are trees to climb and berries to pick. But rocks seem to be rare in the world of pavement, concrete, and manicured parks—until you see streets of cobblestone, steps of granite, statues and walls of marble, and much more. Rocks are everywhere!

Rocks are amazing not just because they are pretty, but also because they are like windows into reality. God speaks to us in the Bible using all kinds of references to things he created: plants, water, wind, animals, rocks, and much more. All of it is good and beautiful—and like a window into his goodness.

So this month let’s go rock-finding in the Bible and see what stones and gems can teach us—about God’s character, our own character, and our need for God in all situations.


God, our Creator and Redeemer, thank you for this beautiful world, and for your Word to help us appreciate it even more. Open our eyes and our hearts to see you. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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