



“你们就是基督的身子,并且各自作肢体。” - 林前 12:27


使徒保罗对罗马的教会说:“我们这许多人,在基督里成为一身,互相联络作肢体”(罗 12:5)。而他对哥林多教会说:“你们就是基督的身子。”我们在基督耶稣里得救之后,就成了教会的一部份,我们每个人都是基督身体上宝贵的肢体。








 The Body

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." — 1 Corinthians 12:27



The apostle Paul tells the church at Rome, “In Christ, we, though many, form one body” (Romans 12:5). And to the Corinthians he says, “You are the body of Christ.” When we are saved in Jesus Christ, we become part of the church, and each of us is a valuable member of the body of Christ.

The idea of being a member of the body is different from that of being a member of a club or some other organization. You are a part of a living body, like an eye, an ear, or a hand.

“To each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” We are a part of the church so that, in a way that is unique to our God-given abilities, we may contribute to the body’s health, vigor, and growth.

In the early church, it seems, there were two extremes. Some people said, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body.” And others said, “I am an eye, but you are a hand; I don’t need you!”

Some people think of the church as a stuffy, boring club. But we are all saved to be a part of something larger than just our lonesome selves. Together, in the body of Christ, we can do greater things to encourage each other in the faith and bring Christ’s love and peace to a broken world. Discover your gifts, and use them in service to Christ, the head of the church.


O Lord, where in your body would you like me to serve? Help me not to be scornful or envious of other parts of your body. Help us all work together for good. In your name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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