

每 日 箴 言

会 幕 的 幔 子

“耶稣大声喊叫,气就断了。殿里的幔子,从上到下裂为两半。” - 可 15:37-38




然而,当耶稣为赎我们的罪而死的时候,祂喊着说:“成了”(约 19:30)——并且分隔百姓和神的幔子裂成两半。耶稣在十字架上的死成就了我们得救所需的一切。祂成为我们终极的大祭司,祂作成的工使我们得与神和好。因着耶稣,神的灵来到我们心里居住,使我们成为祂的殿。

所以,我们曾是“活在世上没有指望,没有神...从前远离神的人,如今却在基督耶稣里,靠着他的血,已经得亲近了。”(弗 2:12-13)我们拥有新的生命和基督的能力,靠着圣灵每天为神而活。




 The Curtain Of The Temple

"With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." — Mark 15:37-38



In the ancient temple of the Lord in Jerusalem, there was a curtain, embroidered with angels, which separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. The Most Holy Place became the dwelling place of God among his people. Only the high priest could go behind the curtain and enter into that place. There he could offer atonement for the sins of the people, once a year.

This taught the people that God is holy and that sinful people cannot stand in God’s presence. The curtain of the temple symbolized the separation between the holy God and sinful people. And if anyone violated this practice, they would die.

When Jesus died to atone for our sin, however, he cried out, “It is finished” (John 19:30)—and the curtain separating the people from God was torn in two. Jesus’ death on the cross accomplished everything necessary for our salvation. He became the ultimate High Priest for us, and his finished work reconciled us with God. Because of Jesus, the Spirit of God now comes to live in our hearts, making us his temple.

So we who were once “without hope and without God in the world... who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:12-13). We have new life and the power of Christ by the Holy Spirit to live for God each day.


Lord, thank you for loving us and bringing us near to you in Christ, our Savior. Help us to live faithfully for you. In Jesus, Amen.

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