



“‘若是他们闭口不说,这些石头必要呼叫起来。’” – 路 19:40










“If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” — Luke 19:40



This month we have reflected on what it means to be a disciple, a follower, of Christ. Yet we have barely scratched the surface of how Jesus formed the faith of the people who followed him. He invited them on the journey and walked with them every step of the way. He challenged them to grow and learn. He taught, encouraged, and admonished them, accepting each one for who they were. He didn’t leave them by the roadside to fend for themselves, and he didn’t abandon them when they messed up.

Jesus calls each of us also to follow him in all areas of life, wherever that may lead. He encourages devotion and loyalty as we die to ourselves and our own ambitions and live for him.

In our passage for today, Jesus’ disciples follow him into Jerusalem, proclaiming him as king (though soon he will lay down his life for human sin, and then rise in victory over death). They praise him with every part of their being, honoring him as their Savior. When the religious leaders tell Jesus to keep his disciples quiet, he says that if they remain silent, even the rocks will praise him. As impossible as it sounds for rocks to cry out, it’s impossible for Jesus’ followers not to praise him.

The task of Jesus’ disciples is to follow—to give him glory, honor, and praise. They continually point to him as their example. And they praise him in every situation with all of their being. That is our task too as followers of Jesus.


Father, help us to follow Jesus and to praise him every day of our lives. In his name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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