



“从前你们的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全许多人的性命,成全今日的光景。” - 创 50:20



教会是神的故事的传递者,要述说神如何创造一个新的族类,使他成为一个恩典的群体。这个故事内容曲折离奇,约瑟的一生就是一个例子。故事中一个得宠的儿子被嫉妒他的兄弟卖为奴隶,当约瑟的命运似乎有转机时,又有不幸的事情发生,以致他成为阶下囚,没有被释放的机会;神接着赐约瑟解梦的异能,他因此不但被释放出狱,并且救了他的一家和很多其他人,在饥荒中得以保全性命。(参看创世记37 – 49章)







 God’s Purpose: Saving Many Lives

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” — Genesis 50:20



Our journey to understand God’s purposes for the church takes us back to some key moments in salvation history.

The church is the carrier of the story of God and how God is creating a new people to make up a community of grace. There are twists and turns in the story, as we can see in the life of Joseph, for example. A favored son gets sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. When it seems like things might get better for Joseph, something else happens and he lands in prison with no hope of release. Then God gives Joseph the ability to interpret dreams to bring about not only his release but also the saving of his family and many others from famine. (See Genesis 37-49.)

Genesis 50 brings us to the moment when Joseph’s father, Jacob, has died, and the brothers of Joseph worry that he might punish them. What will Joseph do now as payback for all the wrong they had done to him?

Joseph looks beyond their actions to the ultimate purpose of God. God desires to save people. God desires to use people like Joseph—and us—to bring about a new day and provide new life for his people.

In this story we see a picture of how God is at work in the twists and turns of life—and he is still at work in our lives today!


God of grace and forgiveness, help us to look beyond our hurts and troubles to see that you are at work in our lives too—day in and day out. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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