
双语时事|七月将至的血月是否末日预兆 Is the Upcoming Blood Moon a Sign?

Is the Upcoming July Blood Moon a Sign of the End Times?


Veronica Neffinger 

| Editor, ChristianHeadlines.com 

| Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The past couple years have bought some spectacular astronomical sights which will continue in 2018 with a blood moon which is set to grace the skies of the Eastern Hemisphere on the night of July 27.


According to Independent UK, a blood moon is defined as:

“A blood moon is the definition used when the moon appears bright, large and reddish in colour, and it only occurs when there is a full moon.


The blood moon is the result of a total lunar eclipse, which is when the moon passes directly behind earth and into its shadow.”


The upcoming blood moon is not only of interest to astronomers and star-gazers, however. It has also drawn the attention of end times speculators and pastors.


Christian John Hagee and Mark Blitz explained that this blood moon is part of a series of unique astronomical events which signal what the Bible predicts in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.


According to Mirror UK, Hagee and Blitz particularly point to what they call the “tetrad”--four consecutive lunar eclipses which began in April 2014 with six full moons in between.


Whether you believe an event like a blood moon has prophetic significance, or is simply part of the way God created the heavenly bodies, it is most certainly an opportunity to marvel at the wonder of Creation. 


