



Starbucks Coffee Cup Controversy As Critics Say It Promotes ‘Gay Agenda’

Conservatives, for the second time in the last week, are fuming over coffee. This time it involves Starbucks’ latest holiday cup that they claim features two women holding hands, and therefore is being used to promote “the gay agenda.”


The brief commercial clearly shows two women gazing into each other’s eyes while holding hands around single steaming drink. “While people who follow both Starbucks holiday cup news and LGBT issues celebrated the video,the ordinary Starbucks customer probably didn’t realize the cup might have a gay agenda,” Buzzfeed reported.


Rufus Dowing在他的个人网页上写道:


In 2015, Starbucks’ holiday cups, a tradition since 1997, caused a stir because they were plain red and derided as beinga “war on Christmas.”


Pastor: Google, Starbucks, Amazon ‘Doing the Devil’s Work’ by supporting gay marriage


Pastor Steven Andrew of USA Christian Ministries, who previously claimed that “Starbucks hates God” over the company’s backing of gay rights, told the Christian Post that any company that favors marriage equality is “anti-God” and is “doing the devil’s work.”


For Andrew, his nonviolent protests did have a “biblical warrant.” “Boycotting anti-God companies is one way a Christian lives out the First Commandment,” the author of Making a Strong Christian Nation, told The Christian Post. “If you love Jesus, you won’t give your money to those working against Jesus, our Savior.”


He believed that if the stores in Sodom and Gomorrah that openly mocked God were boycotted, they could have possibly been saved. “God calls Christians and churches to not share in the sins of others. To love God is to flee sexual immorality. If we help the wicked, then God’s Word says God judges us (2 Chronicles 19:2). God calls Christians to 100 percent love Him and to 100 percent oppose sin.”


“Ungodly politicians, Starbucks, Nike, Amazon and others are doing the devil’s work … trying to ‘change’ our Christian laws into non-Christian laws … Every Christian and church should boycott companies making light of Jesus Christ. It is unwise for a Christian to give their money to those working against Jesus and leading people to sin and to possibly go to hell.”


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