

Noah’s Ark Mosaic Uncovered in Ancient Galilee Synagogue


Exquisite mosaics depicting biblical scenes — one of Noah’s Ark, the other the parting of the Red Sea — were uncovered this summer by archaeologists excavating a fifth-century synagogue at Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village near the Sea of Galilee.


A consortium of universities, led by Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, uncovered the mosaics during its fifth annual excavation in June.


Magness said the mosaics, like others discovered at the synagogue since 2012, are of “extremely high artistic quality,” based on their artistry and the high number of stone mosaic cubes used in the designs.


The Noah’s Ark mosaic includes pairs of bears, donkeys, leopards, camels, lions, ostriches and snakes, just as described in the Book of Genesis.



The mosaic of the parting of the Red Sea features Pharaoh’s soldiers drowning with their horses and chariots. 


“Of course the story of Noah’s Ark and the parting of the Red Sea were known to Jews, as well as Christians, at the time because they read the Hebrew Bible,” Magness said. “We have other ancient synagogues where these scenes are depicted, though they are not common in synagogue art.”     

“那时的犹太人和基督徒都知道挪亚方舟和分开红海的故事,因为他们都读希伯来圣经,” 麦尼斯说,“我们还发现别的古会堂也有这些画,虽然这在会堂艺术中不算普遍。”

The archaeologist said excavation experts dug down to a level of soil where, based on findings elsewhere at the site, they hoped mosaics might be found. 


“As our site conservator, Orna Cohen, worked methodically to brush away the dirt, little by little, we all stood around and began to see animals. At some point we realized this was a depiction of Noah’s Ark.” 

“当我们的现场管理员Orna Cohen有条不紊的一点点清除掉灰尘后,我们看到了上面的动物,我们就觉得应该是挪亚方舟的图画。”

Deciphering the second mosaic was harder, Magness said.


“We could see little bits and pieces of people, fish, chariots. We all stood around and guessed”whether the mosaic depicted a biblical story and if so, which one.


“I won the parting of the Red Sea” guess-a-thon, she said with a laugh.



But the Red Sea mosaic features a twist on the biblical story: a large fish swallowing Pharaoh’s soldiers.


 “This represents an elaboration on the story that must have been circulating at the time,” she said.


The mosaics have been removed from the site for conservation and study.


But a previously discovered mosaic from the site that depicts Samson carrying the gate of Gaza on his shoulders (Judges 16:3) is on display at Kibbutz Ginosar, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

但是之前发现的扛在参孙肩膀上的加沙之门(士师记16:3)马赛克装饰,被放在加利利海岸的Kibbutz Ginosar展览。

Magness would love to see the mosaics eventually restored to the Huqoq synagogue.


Michele Chabin

ReligionNews Service

翻译:Ruth Wei

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