
【双语时事】Life for children in French refugee camps 法国难民营里孩子的命运



Rape, prostitution and forced labor: Life for children in French refugee camps


Researchers found that sexual exploitation is a "constant threat" in the camps in Northern France.


Sexual violence and forced prostitution is a constant threat for children in refugee camps in Northern France, and some young women exchange sex for the promise of passage to the UK, a new report has found.


Published today by Unicef France and Unicef UK, the report sheds light on life for children between the ages of 11-17 living in seven camps along the coast of the English Channel, including Calais and Dunkirk.


Researchers found that sexual exploitation is a "constant threat", including the rape of boys, and the rape and forced prostitution of girls.


Some young women had exchanged "sexual services" with traffickers who promised to help them get to Britain, and traffickers are now charging up to £5,500 per person to cross the Channel.


Children are forced to pay an "entry fee" before they are even allowed to live in the camps. Unaccompanied minors, 500 of whom are living in the French camps, are forced into labour if they can't afford to pay.


"Immediate action by the UK Government could stop children falling into the hands of traffickers and show it's serious about its recent commitments to refugee children, said Lily Caprani, Unicef UK deputy executive director.

英国政府及时的出手可以阻止孩子落入人贩子的手中,政府也很严肃的来承担他们对这些难民孩子的责任。” 英国的联合国儿童基金会副执行主任Lily Caprani这样说

"The Prime Minister says unaccompanied children should be brought to the UK if they have family here, yet these children's cases are moving far too slowly. These camps are no place for a child – we know there are at least 157 children in Calais with the legal right to be with their family in the UK.


"The longer these children have to wait, the more desperate they may become and the more likely they are to risk their lives fleeing the appalling conditions of the camps to reach their families."


Unicef is campaigning to have these 157 children reunited with their families in Britain by the start of the school year in September.


Home secretary Teresa May pledged last month to speed up the process, but "people on the ground in Calais tell us nothing has changed and these children are still waiting, facing another uncertain night in a dangerous camp they repeatedly describe as a 'living hell'," Unicef said earlier this week.


It also published statistics revealing that 94 per cent of the 4,760 children who made the journey from North Africa to Italy between January and April this year were unaccompanied.



Psalms 68:5-6 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

诗篇 68:5-6神在他的圣所作孤儿的父,作寡妇的伸冤者。神叫孤独的有家,使被囚的出来享福。惟有悖逆的住在干燥之地。

Psalms 146:9 The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

诗篇169:9 耶和华保护寄居的,扶持孤儿和寡妇,却使恶人的道路弯曲。

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