Note: If you wish to review another lesson in the study, please open a new web browser window, so that you do not lose your answers in this lesson.
Today, Friend, we will give you a place to share your testimony. Feel free to share however the Lord leads you, but keep in mind that the most effective testimonies are brief (usually one page in length), and should include three aspects. Job 33 tells us the formula for sharing a testimony:
Then he comes to men and says, I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved. He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light. Job 33:27-28
他在人前歌唱说:‘我犯了罪,颠倒是非,这竟与我无益。神救赎我的灵魂免入深坑,我的生命也必见光。’ 约伯记33:27-28
Notice the three aspects to this testimony: "I sinned...God redeemed...I will live."A biblical testimony touches on:
· My sin—the areas of sin in which I was involved, and what that brought about in my life. (Be cautious about sharing any details, so as to not stir up sin in others.)
· 我的罪—我的罪所涉及的领域,以及在我生命中所带来的后果。(注意分享任何细节的时候不激动别人犯罪)
· Redemption. This explains how I was bought out of the slave market of sin. How did God reach me, give me repentance, and bring me into the Light? What means did He use?
· 救赎。这说明了我是如何从罪的奴隶市场上被买赎出来的。神怎样找到我,赐给我悔改,并把我带进光明?祂使用了什么方法?
· How I am living to enjoy the Light (Christ).
· 现在我如何生活并享受这光(基督)
Please try to include the above three aspects in your testimony.
In addition, in the sharing of our testimonies we want to avoid using worldly psychological terms. Here is an example of such a testimony, with the worldly terminology in red:
"There was nothing in my background which should have resulted in sexual dysfunction pervading my life. In college, I took advantage of my freedom with the usual partying scene where drinking, drug use, and sexual experimentation (including self-gratification) became common.
Even after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and got married, these unresolved issues remained. Although my wife and I initially enjoyed a fulfilling sexual relationship, the ensuing challenges of marriage resulted in my escape into sexual dysfunction. I discovered that Internet porn was available, and I was firmly hooked.
During marriage counseling, a friend, who had recovered from sexual addiction recommended the Setting Captives Free program. With the assistance of some accountability partners, I started the Setting Captives Free 60-day program, finally accepting that I was a sexual addict.
I was anticipating that recovery from sexual addiction would be easier than withalcohol addiction. How wrong I was! However, thanks to the SCF program, mentors, and God’s grace, I have now enjoyed two months of freedom from pornography and chronic sexual addiction. I would never have believed this was possible, and I praise God daily for the Setting Captives Free program."
The terminology "sexual addiction," "sexual dysfunction," and "recovery from addiction" would be better termed as "sexual sin" and "repentance from sin;" and the "Setting Captives Free program" is really just "Bible studies with accountability at Setting Captives Free."
Here is an example of a testimony which uses biblical terminology, instead of psychological jargon:
"I was in bondage to late-night pornography on our cable channel at home, and to sex-chatting on the Internet at work. My sins had separated me from God and I was quickly losing intimacy with my wife, too.
I finally had enough, and went to see our church’s counselor, who lovingly rebuked me and encouraged me to repent of my sins and return to Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, I did that. Soon afterward, he recommended I take the Bible studies at Setting Captives Free and volunteered to be my accountability partner and receive my lessons.
I have now been free from habitual sin for approximately 70 days, and am living as one "free indeed" by the power of Jesus Christ. He forgave my sins through His death on the cross, and the shedding of His blood.
Oh, and my wife forgave me, too, as we sat in our counselor’s office and I confessed my sins to her and asked forgiveness. Now sexual intimacy is being restored to my marriage. I’m thankful for repentance and forgiveness, and for those in the body of Christ who have helped me to permanently turn away from my previous life of sin."
Do you see the difference in these two testimonies? Please try to use biblical terminology when describing your story to others.
It's truly exciting to share our testimonies with others. At Setting Captives Free, we have seen numerous people enroll in our courses after reading the testimonies of others.
In the box below, you have a chance to share your story, keeping in mind that whatever you write here will be seen by many, and it very well may be the means that God uses to draw someone to Christ and/or to Setting Captives Free.
Your name will not be used unless you type it into the following box. (If you find that you do not yet have a testimony of true freedom from sexual sin, please consider working through this course again, slowly.)
Remember that the majority of people who read these testimonies are those just coming to this website to check things out, so please don't go into graphic detail regarding your past sin. We do not want our stories to be an offense or a stumbling block to others.
Also, because these stories are read by a wide audience, please refrain from using the word "masturbation." Instead, use the biblical term of "gratifying the lusts of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16), "self-pleasing" or similar terms.
If you write any thoughts about Setting Captives Free, please don’t use the abbreviation "SCF," as most will not know what it means. Finally, please begin by telling us the name of your mentor. Thank you, and enjoy writing what God has done for you!
Question 1
Write your testimony here:
Question 2
问题 2
Do you want your testimony to be shared with others?
Yes No
是的 不
Finally, please consider becoming a mentor with Setting Captives Free after you finish this course. The purpose of our freedom from habitual sin is to honor the Lord, and we may do that by ministering His grace and truth to others who are also seeking freedom.
Mentoring others is a very rewarding and fruitful ministry, and we encourage you to take the mentorship course in anticipation of becoming a team member with Setting Captives Free. With the approval of your mentor, you may enroll in the mentorship course from here after completing this course.
Question 3
问题 3
Do you plan to take the mentorship course?
That's it! Pray that God would make your testimony useful to others who need hope, who need to be free from sexual sin, by the grace of God!
Click here for the Addendum to Lesson 59 (opens in a new window so you will not lose your place on this lesson).
Lastly, a request from Mike Cleveland:
最后,一个从Mike Cleveland而来的请求:
Dear Friend,
I am writing to share my heart with you and to solicit your assistance.
Since the beginning of the Setting Captives Free ministry, we have placed great importance on sharing our testimonies. We do this for the purpose of encouraging others to find hope and freedom in Jesus Christ. This is the pattern of Scripture, as we note in many places. One such place is 1 Timothy 1:13-14:
13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:13-14 (NIV)
13 我从前是亵渎神的,逼迫人的,侮慢人的,然而我还蒙了怜悯,因我是不信、不明白的时候而作的。14 并且我主的恩是格外丰盛,使我在基督耶稣里有信心和爱心。 提摩太前书1:13-14
And the reason God poured out His grace on Paul is stated in verse 16:
But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:16 (NIV - emphasis mine)
然而我蒙了怜悯,是因耶稣基督要在我这罪魁身上显明他一切的忍耐,给后来信他得永生的人作榜样。 提摩太前书1:16
Paul received the grace of a changed life "as an example for those who would believe."
The reason for Paul’s changed life is to glorify God by providing hope to others, that they too might believe on Jesus and receive mercy and a changed life through the gospel.
People who are in bondage need to hear how your life has been changed since God granted you repentance, forgiveness, and freedom from sexual impurity.
Many will be greatly encouraged to seek freedom in Christ through our studies here at Setting Captives Free if they could read and hear testimonies from people like you. This is a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference in many lives in the years to come.
Would you be willing to share your audio testimony and invite others to come and find freedom in Jesus? We would love to see numerous audio testimonies made available right on the homepage of the course.
Will you be an example of God’s grace and patience, and of the new life that comes through Jesus Christ? If so, simply call 641-715-3900 ext 96098 followed by the # sign. There are no charges for this call, other than your phone company's normal long distance charges.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to be used, like Paul, by sharing your story.
God’s grace to each one of you,
Mike Cleveland
Mike Cleveland
team member, www.SettingCaptivesFree.comwww. SettingCaptivesFree.com 团队成员
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