God's grace is stronger than the pull of sin!
Setting Captives Free The Way of Purity Course Summary for Days 31-40
释放被掳的灵魂 洁净之道 第31-40天课程总结
This summary can be printed out and reviewed daily as a reminder of the truths taught in this course.
Day 31 - The Greatness, Majesty, Power and Grace Of God
第三十一天 神的至大、至尊、权能和恩典
Isaiah 40:10-31
以赛亚书 40:10-31
Proverbs 5:21
1 Peter 2:9
彼得前书 2:9
Revelation 5:5-6
Matthew 28:18-20
马太福音 28:18-20
God has power, yet is a loving shepherd displaying His grace. He created the universe, but cares for each individual sheep. He has majesty when you look at all He created...the universe is but a handbreadth to Him.
We must see that "the nations are like a drop in the bucket" (Isaiah 40:15), and that we as individuals are nothing when compared to the vast greatness of God. And God sees everything. We cannot hide our sin from Him. "For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths" (Proverbs 5:21). He can give us strength to overcome when we grow tired and weary. God's greatness is not something to hide from, but to use as a hope-filled tool against the chains of our sins.
He can carry us out! Our will is to sin, that is our human nature. But God saves us, and God changes our nature and our will -- and gives us a desire to work with Him. We need to see we are nothing and God gives us all. Remember in Revelation (5:5-6) how Jesus is viewed as the Lion AND the Lamb...
神有权能,但也是一个慈爱牧者,向我们显明祂的恩典。他创造了宇宙,但也护理每一只小羊。当你观看他所造的一切,他有无比的至尊… 而整个宇宙对他来说只是一只手掌的宽度。
神的至大使我们无处隐藏,却是我们满有盼望的利器,可以用来抵挡罪的捆绑。他能领我们出来!我们的自由意志是犯罪,这是我们的人性。但是神拯救我们,神也改变我们的本性和意志―― 并且给我们与他同工的渴望。我们应该看到我们的一无是处,是神给了我们一切。记住启示录5:5-6 耶稣被看作狮子和羔羊…
Day 32 - Battle Strategies
第三十二天 争战策略
Romans 8:6-7
罗马书 8:6-7
Phillipians 3:19
腓立比书 3:19
Romans 1:28-29
罗马书 1:28-29
Romans 7:23
罗马书 7:23
1 Peter 5:8
彼得前书 5:8
"The mind of sinful man is death..." (Romans 8:6). First, we must remember the battle is in, and for, our minds. Evil thoughts become strongholds that we must demolish.
If they are allowed to remain, they will be a major source of temptation in our lives, and Satan will use them to attack you again and again. If you do not submit to God and destroy the strongholds, God can give you over to the sin "to do what ought not to be done" (Romans 1:28)
“体贴肉体的就是死…” (罗马书8:6)。首先,我们必须记得这是我们思想中的争战,也是为了我们的思想意念而战。邪恶的想法成为我们必须摧毁的堡垒。
The two things today's lesson gave us to do to combat these thoughts that get lodged in our minds:
1) We can refuse to have access to any further pornography, which will cease the income of any additional pornographic images that can drag us into sin. This point is key, and without allowing ourselves zero access there really won't be any victory in this area. Please review Matthew 5:29-30, Romans 13:14 and Joshua 7:13.
1) 我们可以拒绝接触更多的色情,那些可以将我们拽入罪中的色情影像,就不会继续进入我们的头脑。这一点很关键,如果没有对这种接触的零容忍,我们将无法在这方面真正得胜。请复习马太福音5:29-30,罗马书13:14,和约书亚记7:13。
2) We need to begin to immerse ourselves in Scripture, seeking God for grace to apply what we read. Taking in the Water of the Word has the effect of washing away the images that remain in the brain. Please review Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:3.
2) 我们需要将自己沉浸在圣经之中,寻求神的恩典来应用我们所学的。用大有功效的圣言的活水来洗净残留于头脑中的影像。请复习约书亚记1:8,诗篇1:3。
Finally, God wins the war, not us. We are to just not get entangled with the affairs of this life...2 Timothy 2:4
最后,神赢得了这场争战,不是我们。我们只是不将事务缠身… 提摩太后书 2:4
Day 33 - Demolishing Strongholds
第三十三天 摧毁堡垒
Acts 4:12
使徒行传 4:12
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
哥林多后书 10:3-5
1 Corinthians 15:57
哥林多前书 15:57
Romans 8:37
罗马书 8:37
John 8:36
约翰福音 8:36
Colossians 1:13
哥林多前书 1:13
Titus 2:11-12
提多书 2:11-12
Our lesson today started with "Only Jesus Christ can give true and lasting victory." This is so key. Don't look to worldly help for victory, as our battle is spiritual -- only divine weapons work. Beg God for divine power through Jesus Christ to demolish the thought strongholds in your mind.
Give the battle to Christ, whose victory was already won on the cross. We fight FROM victory, not for it. Thoughts and temptations will come to you, guaranteed, but you are to take each thought captive to Jesus. When the tempting image or thought hits, don't let your old thought strongholds take it in as it used to, dwelling on it...take it to Jesus for help immediately!
Deuteronomy 20:4 、 2 Samuel 8:14 、2 Samuel 22:36 、Proverbs 21:31
我们今天的课程一开始讲“只有耶稣基督能给而我们真正、长久的胜利”。这是关键。不要寻找属世的方法来得胜,因为我们的争战是属灵的 ―― 只有属神的兵器有功效。向神祈求通过耶稣基督赐下属神的兵器,来摧毁头脑中思想的堡垒。
把争战交给基督,他已经在十字架上得胜。我们是从胜利中战斗,而不是为了胜利而战。思想和试探会临到你,这是肯定的,但是你要将每一个思想捕俘给耶稣。当试探的影像或是想法攻击时,不要向以前一样让旧有的思想堡垒接受这些念头,并且陷在这些想法中… 立即把它带给耶稣求得帮助!
申命记 20:4 、 撒母耳记下8:14 、撒母耳记下 22:36 、 箴言 21:31
Day 34 - Demolishing Strongholds II
第三十四天 摧毁堡垒 (二)
2 Corinthians 10:5
哥林多后书 10:5
1 Kings 9:20-21
列王纪上 9:20-21
1 Timothy 1:12
提摩太前书 1:12
Deuteronomy 21:10
申命记 21:10
Joshua 14:6-11
约书亚记 14:6-11
1 Samuel 17:45-47
撒母耳记上 17:45-47
Pornographic images are a formidable foe, at times much stronger than we are. It takes divine power to do what the Bible tells us to do: destroy the army. Today's lesson said "Friend, there might be some thoughts so powerful that we may not be able to keep them from infiltrating our minds, especially in the first couple of months after we have stopped doing porn."
You must take the pornographic thoughts captive to Christ, and do NOT try to fight them alone. Do NOT delay in resisting the thoughts as they start to form. Take them to Christ, Who will win the battle for you.
Day35-The Love Of God And Temptation
第三十五天 神的爱与试探
James 1:12-16
John 8:31-32
约翰福音 8:31-32
2 Thessalonians 3:5
帖撒罗尼迦后书 3:5
Romans 3:23
罗马书 3:23
Today's lesson says "When I am faced with a severe trial, or an intense temptation I have a choice to either persevere in faith and stand up under the trial, or fall down in sin and deception." The Word of God is our sword and is what releases us from slavery. And our love for God is what brings about the power for our release. We get this love by
1) asking God to give you a heart that loves Him (John 14:14, James 4:2),
2) Dwell on the cross of Jesus Christ (1 John 3:16,Isaiah 49:15-16, Isaiah 50:6, Isaiah 52:14, Isaiah 53:5-6),
3) Obey God's Word (1 John 2:5),
4) Keep yourself in the love of God (Jude 21, Jude 24, 1 John 2:27). Remember that you are a fish lured by bait. Watch for the bait and stop sin there. If you don't it will lead to desire, then sin, then death.
Ephesians 5:11-14 Lamentations 3:22-23
今天的课程说:” 当我面临严峻的考验和强烈的试探时,我有一个选择:要么在信心中持守,经受得住试探,要么是在罪和自欺中跌倒。” 上帝之道是我们的宝剑,又是将我们从奴役中释放出来的。我们对神的爱是带给我们释放的力量。我们得到这样的爱是靠着
1) 求神给你一颗爱他的心 (约翰福音14:14,雅各书4:2),
2) 思想耶稣基督的十字架(约翰一书3:16 ,以赛亚书49:15-16,50:6,52:14, 53:5-6),
3) 顺从神的话语(约翰一书 2:5),
4)保守你常在神的爱里 (犹大书 21,24, 约翰一书 2:27 )。记住你是被诱饵引诱的鱼。警惕诱饵并停止犯罪。如果你不这样,它会把你带入情欲,然后是犯罪,最后是死亡。
以弗所书 5:11-14, 耶利米哀歌 3:22-23
Day 36-Break The Chain
第三十六天 砍断锁链
Genesis 13:8-13
创世纪 13:8-13
Genesis 14:8-12
创世纪 14:8-12
1 Peter 5:8-9
彼得前书 5:8-9
This was the lesson about the cargo plane that crashed during takeoff in 1997 due to several factors. When you look at what happened you see a chain of events, removing any of which would have avoided a tragic crash killing several people. In our lives we have chains of events that lead us into sin.
What is your chain? If you are like Mike Cleveland, and find yourself alone in a hotel room with movies available anytime on the tv, you must break the chain early by removing the tv from your room! If you don't you are allowing a chain to sin to remain in your life and you are asking for trouble.
But even if you leave the tv, break the chain by not turning it on. Fail there, and break the chain by watching only sports. Fail there...see where this is going? How much easier it is to break the chain early by removing the tv!Break your chain early!
你的锁链是什么?如果你像Mike Cleveland一样,发现自己单独在酒店的房间里,随时可以看电视,你必须趁早砍断锁链把电视机挪出你的房间!如果你不这样作你就允许了罪的锁链留在你生命中,就是自寻烦恼。
然而如果你留下了电视,用不开电视的方式来砍断锁链,会失败的,如果以仅仅观看体育节目来砍断锁链,也会失败的… 看到将会发生什么了吗? 趁早把电视挪开来砍断锁链要容易得多!趁早砍断你的锁链!
Day 37-Seek The Lord
第三十七天 寻求主
Deuteronomy 4:25-29
申命记 4:25-29
Hebrews 11:6
希伯来书 11:6
Jeremiah 29:11-13
耶利米书 29:11-13
Psalm 10:4
诗篇 10:4
2 Samuel 14:14
撒母耳记下 14:14
Matthew 7:7
马太福音 7:7
1 Kings 8:46-51
You need to seek the Lord. Seek Him for forgiveness, seek Him for strength. He has great plans for you! Seek Him daily for wisdom, strength and blessings! God will forgive ANYTHING in your life, no matter how bad you think it is. But you must seek Him whole-heartedly, not halfway.
As McCheyne was quoted in this lesson: "Kneel down and call Him your Redeemer. He died for such as you and me." Jesus is on your side but you must seek Him to be changed.
Psalm 105:3-4
诗篇 105:3-4
Day 38-Restoration After Loss
第三十八天 损失后的重建
Luke 15:11-24
路加福音 15:11-24
1 Peter 5:10
彼得前书 5:10
Psalm 103:13
Joel 2:25-26
Hosea 6:1-2
Isaiah 61:1-4
Jeremiah 30:18-19
耶利米书 30:18-19
Today's lesson revolved around the Prodigal Son. The young man received his inheritance early, blew it right away, ended up feeding pigs to survive, and had nothing to eat. He went home with his tail between his legs, expecting very little but instead received a loving embrace from his father and a feast to celebrate his coming home!
The young man wanted to live his wild life AND have his inheritance, but the two do not go together and it is the wild life that eventually takes control. We are out of our minds when we are stuck in masturbation, porn, strip clubs, whatever. "But, when we 'come to our senses', and return to our Heavenly Father, He will accept, embrace, love and restore us." Today's lesson is something we should all remember daily.
Day 39 - Specific Steps To Freedom From Sin
第三十九天 从罪中得释放的具体步骤
James 4:7-10
雅各书 4:7-10
1 Corinthians 10:20-21
哥林多前书 10:20-21
Proverbs 28:9
James 1:7-8
雅各书 1:7-8
Job 22:21-28
约伯记 22:21-28
According to James 4:7-10, those in sin have the following characteristics:
1) They do not submit to God (verse 7). This is addressed by submitting to God. See Job 22:21-27 for much truth on how to do this.
1) 他们不顺服神(第7节)。这就强调要顺服神。参见约伯记22:21-27有大量的如何这样做的真理
2) They do not resist the devil (verse 7). 1 Corinthians 10:20-21 tells how we worship at a demonic shrine in this case. We need to make up a battle plan with radical amputation and stick to it.
2) 他们不抵挡魔鬼(第7节)。哥林多前书10:20-21 告诉而我们这就是在祭鬼。我们要制定一个彻底根除的战役计划并严格遵行。
3) They remain at a distance from God (verse 8). Proverbs 28:9 tells how your prayers become detestable if you don't obey the law and distance yourself from God. To beat this, spend as much time as you can in prayer, Bible study, church attendance, counseling with your pastor, etc. Get CLOSE to God!
3) 他们与神保持距离(第8节)。箴言28:9告诉我们如果不遵行律法、并且远离你的神,你的祷告就成为可憎。要战胜这点,就要尽量多花时间祷告、查经、聚会、得到你的牧师的辅导等等,亲近神!
4) They have dirty hands and a defiled heart (verse 8). Cleanse yourself from what you are doing in this sin. Wash and purify your mind and heart.
4) 他们的手被玷污,心也污秽(第8节)。从你罪中的恶行洁净自己。清洗和洁净你的思想和意念。
5) They are double-minded (verse 8). James 1:7-8 also speaks on this and how you should not think you will receive anything from God. The way to be single-minded is to completely stop masturbating, and don't allow any additional pornographic images into your mind. You must not give the ones you already have any thought power at all. Take the time to do this completely and don't let pornographic images to get stuck in your head.
5) 他们心怀二意(第8节)。雅各书1:7-8还讲到怎样会使你无法想从神那里得到什么。成为专心的方法是彻底停止手淫,不要容许任何额外的色情影像进入你的脑海。你必须持守已有的思想能力。花时间来彻底做成,不要让色情影像再来攻击你的头脑。
6) They are light and joking, and laugh much (verse 9). Not seeing your sin as an offense to God is not good at all. Joking about it simply shows that you don't care if you sin or not, and God cannot work with you on a sin you don't want to get rid of. Have genuine repentance with godly sorrow. It is more than saying "I'm sorry"...it is meaning it to the point of mourning over the sins you are committing.
6)他们轻浮又不正经,经常嬉笑(第9节)。完全没有看到你的罪是对神的攻击。嬉笑就是你不在乎你是否犯罪,而且神无法与你同工对付你不想摆脱的罪。要有真实的悔改和敬虔的懊悔。不仅仅要说“对不起”… 这意味着要为你所犯的罪忧伤痛悔。
7) They are prideful (verse 10). Putting down others is not the way to lift you or anyone else up. You need to encourage others and admit your sins. Humble yourself and realize you need help! Don't argue or point out the wrongs of the course...just submit yourself to God and ask for His wisdom in applying the course to your life. He will lift you up.
7) 他们骄傲(第10节)。贬低别人无法使你或他人升高。你要鼓励其他人并承认你的罪。谦卑自己并认识到自需要帮助!不要争论或是指出课程的错误… 唯有使你自己顺服神并请他的智慧来把课程应用的你的生活中。他将使你升高。
1 Peter 1:8 、 Hebrews 13:5 、 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 、 Ephesians 5:3 、 Hebrews 13:5 、 Hosea 2:15
彼得前书 1:8 、 希伯来书13:5 、 哥林多前书 6:18-20 、 以弗所书5:3 、 何西阿书2:15
Day 40 - The Heart, The Mind, and the Actions
第四十天 心怀、意念和行动
Colossians 3:1-10
歌罗西书 3:1-10
Song of Songs 1:4
雅歌 1:4
Song of Songs 3:4
雅歌 3:4
Psalm 25:3
诗篇 25:3
1 Tim 6:11-16
提摩太前书 6:11-16
There is a relationship between the heart, the mind and the actions. The heart affects the mind, which affects the actions. You must set your heart on things above, on loving Christ. This will keep your heart going in the right direction instead of setting your heart on porn and masturbation.
Of course, if you are leaning towards porn with your heart then it follows that your mind will be filled with it as well, and you will be thinking of the images when you are sleeping as well as when you are awake. What follows from all those thoughts? Actions, of course! And that is why we start with our hearts. Get excited about Jesus, long for Him, crave Him and your heart will follow, and your actions will have no choice but to be pure.
We have to remember Colossians 3:3: "For you died, and your life is now hid with Christ in God." If we focus on Christ, remember how we are now in Him, and if we long for Him we WILL be walking in freedom! Our actions will be a reflection of our minds, reflecting our hearts.
Finally, we need to be involved with all three aspects: heart, mind, actions. It is harmful to be loving Christ with your heart but still thinking about porn and acting on it. Also, it is not good to be forsaking your sin, but not seeking God in it and not loving the Lord. The winning combination is to get involved in all three aspects, and walk in victory!
我们必须牢记歌罗西书3:3“你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在神里面” 如果我们专注于基督,思想我们现在如何在他里面,如果我们渴慕他,我们将行在自由之中!我们的行为将反射我们的意念和心思。
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