God's grace is stronger than the pull of sin!
Setting Captives Free The Way of Purity Course Su mmary for Days 21-30
释放被掳的灵魂 洁净之道 第21-30天课程总结
This summary can be printed out and reviewed daily as a reminder of the truths taught in this course.
This summary can be printed out and reviewed daily as a reminder of the truths taught in this course.
Day 21 - Strength Through Confession
第二十一天 通过认罪得能力
Proverbs 28:13
箴言 28:13
Psalm 32:3-7
1 Samuel 7:2-11
撒母耳记上 7:2-11
Leviticus 5:5
利未记 5:5
"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy" (Proverbs 28:13) As mentioned in today's lesson "spiritual strength to overcome sin is directly tied in to confession of sins". As painful as this is, there is no lasting victory without it.
We MUST confess our sins to be set free! The weight of your sin is huge, and confession lifts that weight from you! Sin saps your strength and leads to more attacks...remember that sin will attack when you are weakest!
Confess first to God, then to the ones you have sinned against, and that means your spouse if you are married. Radical amputation leads to confession leads to victory.
我们必须认自己的罪才能得到释放!你的罪分量很重,认罪就把这重担从你身上提去了!罪消耗了你的力量,招致了更多的攻击… 记住,罪会在你最软弱的时候攻击你!
Day 22 – Vigilance
第二十二天 警醒
1 Corinthians 10:7-12
哥林多前书 10:7-12
Matthew 26:40-41
马太福音 26:40-41
1 Peter 5:8-9
彼得前书 5:8-9
1 Thessalonians 5:5-8
帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:5-8
Matthew 13:24-30
马太福音 13:24-30
Don't ever stop and think you've got it down pat...that you can stand tall on your own. Oh, you may for a while, but you will fall if you take that stance. Guaranteed.
Be vigilant. Read the testimonies and confessions in today's lesson. Every one tells of how the fall happened once he/she relied on their own works or what they thought was their own strength. The moment you say you don't need Jesus' help any longer is the moment you need it most!
Let it be a warning sign in your mind to buckle down and perish that thought! "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Watch and pray, every morning and every night. Be aware of the attacker that is waiting to spring on you in your moments of "strength" as well as your moments of weakness. The flesh is weak and always will be.
Specific ways to be vigilant:
1) Make sure to attend a Bible Believing church (Heb.10:25). The importance of this cannot be overemphasized.
2) Have daily accountability (Ecc. 4:9-12; Heb. 3:13).
3) Seek the Lord daily (Pro. 2:1-5; Heb. 11:6)
4) Drag every known sin, and even temptation into the light. If you struggle with something, humble yourself and talk to someone about it (John 3:19-21).
让这成为你头脑中的警报信号,切实地消灭那种想法!“心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了。” 警醒祷告,早早晚晚都要如此。警惕那偷袭者正伺机在你“有力”或是软弱的时候扑向你。肉体是软弱的,而且总是如此。
1)确保参加一间笃信圣经无误的教会(希伯来书 10:25)。这个重要性再怎么强调也不为过。
2)每天有责任交账。(传道书 4:9-12;希伯来书 3:13)
3)每天寻求主。(箴言 2:1-5; 希伯来书 11:6 )
Psalm 101:3 1 Peter 1:13 Proverbs 23:34-35 1 Thessalonians 5:4-9
诗篇 101:3 彼得前书1:13 箴言 23:34-35 帖撒罗尼迦前书5:4-9
Day 23 - Enjoying The Light
第二十三天 享受光明
Romans 13:12-14
罗马书 13:12-14
Acts 19:17-20
使徒行传 19:17-20
John 3:19-21
Lamentations 2:14
Jeremiah 31:17
耶利米书 31:17
Sin thrives on darkness. We need to bring any and all sin right out into the light. Expose it. The course said, "if you will expose your sin to the light you will have protection from ongoing attacks of the devil". That is what we need to stay victorious, as difficult a step as it seems at first.
罪在暗中猖狂。我们要将一切的罪统统拽入光中,暴露它。课程中说,“如果你把罪曝露在光中,你就有了不受恶者攻击的保障。” 这是我们保持得胜所必需的,万事开头难。
Let's keep in mind what this course said today: "Let us be real clear on this: leaving sin covered by refusing to expose it leads to captivity. We become captives to the power of sin while it is hidden and kept secret. But, if we expose it we ward off captivity, and live as free men and women!"
"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open" (Mark 4:22).
Day 24 - Fleeing Temptation
第二十四天 逃避试探
Genesis 39:6-12
创世记 39:6-12
Judges 16:4-18
师士记 16:4-18
2 Timothy 2:22
提摩太后书 2:22
1 Timothy 6:11
提摩太前书 6:11
Isaiah 57:14
以赛亚书 57:14
Romans 15:13
罗马书 15:13
RUN LIKE THE WIND! Sin will keep hounding us no matter what, and you will find temptation at every turn. The ONLY way to beat it is to flee!! This is key, so PLEASE REMEMBER THIS!!
You cannot talk your way out of it, hang near it in your own strength, or simply deny it will get you. You will fall.
Trust those of us who have experience in this. You WILL fall. Fleeing is the only solution. If you need a biblical guide for this, simply click on the Genesis link above and read about Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Even a man as strong as Joseph had to flee. He is our example...and there is no other way.
Day 25 - Flee, Abstain, Resist
第二十五天 逃避、禁戒、抵挡
2 Timothy 2:22
提摩太后书 2:22
Psalm 116:13
诗篇 116:13
Zephaniah 3:9-11
Romans 10:12-13
罗马书 10:12-13
1 Peter 2:11,12
1 Peter 5:8-9
Today's lesson gave us a game plan for doing what yesterday's lesson asked us to do. We flee by first and foremost calling to the Lord! Set a plan for pursuing righteousness via accountability (some good steps in the lesson text).
Basically it comes down to calling out to the Lord for help (in desperation, really), abstaining from sin any way possible, and living a pure and righteous life. So, flee, abstain and resist it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 Galatians 2:20-21 Jeremiah 3:21-25
哥林多前书 10:13 加拉太书 2:20-21 耶利米书 3:21-25
Day 26 - Don't Go Near
第二十六天 不要靠近
Proverbs 7:6-27
箴言 7:6-27
Proverbs 22:5
箴言 22:5
Today we see that the best way to stay out of trouble is to stay away from it! Don't fool yourself by thinking you can be near it and avoid it.
If you believe that, go reread the beginning of the lesson and the story about the plane that flew into the thunderstorm and crashed! Look at it this way, you will have much less to flee from if you avoid being near it to begin with!
Proverbs 4:14-15 Romans 13:14 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Romans 15:4 Acts 15:29 箴言 4:14-15
罗马书 13:14 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:22 罗马书 15:4 使徒行传 15:29
Day 27 - Growing In Christ
第二十七天 在基督里长进
1 John 2:12-14
约翰一书 2:12-14
Proverbs 24:16
箴言 24:16
Matthew 18:21-22
马太福音 18:21-22
Romans 7:14-23
罗马书 7:14-23
Psalm 118:15-16
诗篇 118:15-16
1 Corinthians 13:11
哥林多前书 13:11
Genesis 22:17-18
创世记 22:17-18
Matthew 16:18-19
There are three types of Christians -- children, young men, fathers. Each has its own focus on beating sin. It is important to be realistic about where you are and fight accordingly.
Little children in Christ stumble a lot, just as little children learning to walk stumble and fall. We know we are progressing by how many battles are won. The more we stand in victory, the more we grow. But we all need to call out to the Lord for his grace.
Eventually, you will grow to a fighter, then to a father who can teach others. Be forgiving of yourself and others on this path, and don't judge, as these three stages are part of the journey.
有三种类型的基督徒 - 小子,少年人,父老。每一类在对抗罪的时候,都有自己的焦点。重要的是切合实际地认清你所处的阶段,并相应地与罪争战。
Day 28 – Sanctification
第二十八天 成圣
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:1-8 2
Peter 1:4
Hebrews 13:4
希伯来书 13:4
1 Corinthians 4:19-20
哥林多前书 4:19-20
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
哥林多前书 6:9-10
Galatians 5:24
加拉太书 5:24
1 Corinthians 10:8-9
Job 11:18-20
Sanctification -- being set apart for God -- it is what we need to do. We really need to focus on holy living and living for God.
If we obey his laws and live each day for HIM, we will be able to stay away from sexual impurity before we have to flee. There is that grace for us if we turn from our sin, turn to God and live for Him. Allow yourself to be set apart for His purposes every day.
成圣 – 为神将自己分别出来 – 这是我们需要做的。我们确实需要专注于圣洁的生活和为神而活。
Day 29 - Our Identity In Christ
第二十九天 我们在基督里的身份
2 Corinthians 5:17
哥林多后书 5:17
John 14:20-21
约翰福音 14:20-21
Ephesians 2:1-10
以弗所书 2:1-10
2 Corinthians 3:18
哥林多后书 3:18
Galatians 2:20
加拉太书 2:20
"One of the lies that Satan wants to get us to believe is that our faith in Christ really has no affect on our lives." This is what this day is all about. The old has gone and the new has come, right?
We are new people and do not have to be tied to the lie that we are going to sin. We deserve to die but are tied to Christ, who has washed away that old person! Amen! You are holy in God's eyes because of a spiritual relationship with Jesus. You are saved by grace...you can now leave pornography behind!
Day 30 - New Creations In Christ (Salvation Illustrated)
第三十天 基督里新造的人 (救恩举例)
Genesis 1:1-11
创世记 1:1-11
2 Corinthians 5:17
哥林多后书 5:17
Psalm 119:130
2 Corinthians 4:6
哥林多后书 4:6
John 15:5
约翰福音 15:5
Romans 8:1-4
罗马书 8:1-4
We are brand new CREATIONS! "God does not shave caterpillars he makes butterflies!", as the course tells us today. Compare the Genesis and 1 Corinthians verses in the links above. See the similarity?
We are not a refurbished old self...we are a BRAND NEW self! We were in darkness, submerged in deep waters, etc. And now we are surrounded by light and are free and in the open! God has saved us!
Praise God! The creation of our new selves via Christ's resurrection is much like the earth coming up from the water in Genesis 1:9...and only then could it produce fruit as in v.11. We are not tied to our old habits of pornography...we are not that person anymore! Again, PRAISE GOD for that!
感谢赞美神!在基督里的复活新造的我们,就像是创世记第一章第九节里从水中露出来的地… 而且只有如此才能像第十一节里那样结出果子。我们与色情的陋习不再有关系… 我们不再是那个人了!再一次,为此感谢赞美
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