【Daily Bread】Like a Little Child 孩子般的信心 Our faith in Jesus is to be like that of a trusting ch 2018-02-25
【Daily Bread】Joy 欢欣喜乐 God is the giver of joy. 2018-02-24
【Daily Bread】Pursuing Unity 追求合一 Christ’s love creates unity in the midst of diversity. 2018-02-12
【Daily Bread】The Power of Prayer 祷告的大能 God hears us when we pray. 2018-02-11
【Daily Bread】The Debt Eraser 免去罪债 Our greatest debt, caused by sin, is erased by our gre 2018-02-04
【Daily Bread】One Name 唯一的名 Jesus Christ is not valued at all until He is valued a 2018-02-03
【Daily Bread】Home for Christmas 领我回家 Home is not so much a place on a map, as it is a place 2018-01-31
【Daily Bread】Silent Night of the Soul 心灵沉静 God became one of us so that we might become one with 2018-01-30
【Daily Bread】Pressing On 向前直跑 God provides the strength we need to persevere and gro 2018-01-28
【Daily Bread】Beginning Again 重新开始 God’s grace offers us fresh starts.上帝的恩典让我们能重新开始。Every 2018-01-27
【Daily Bread】Faith-Building Memories 上帝的信实 As we look ahead to the new year, let’s remember that 2018-01-26
【Daily Bread】Breaking the Silence 打破沉默 Once in our world, a stable had something in it that w 2018-01-25
【Daily Bread】What on Earth 钓鱼 We are children of the King!我们是万王之王的儿女!My God will mee 2018-01-22
【Daily Bread】Big World, Bigger God 世界很大,上帝更大 God’s grace is immeasurable, His mercy inexhaustible, 2018-01-21
【Daily Bread】More Than a Hero 不仅是英雄 At Bethlehem, God demonstrated that to love is to give 2018-01-20
【Daily Bread】With God’s Help 主必帮助我 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. P 2018-01-19
【Daily Bread】Traditions and Christmas 圣诞习俗(英语) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as 2018-01-17
【Daily Bread】Extreme Measures 不惜一切 Christmas is about God taking extreme measures to recl 2018-01-15
【Daily Bread】Gentleness 温柔 Humility toward God will make us gentle toward others. 2018-01-13
【Daily Bread】It Isn’t Me 不是我 Wise is the person who would rather give honor than re 2018-01-11