【Daily Bread】Outside In 由外而内? In Jesus, true and lasting transformation is possible. 2018-01-10
【Daily Bread】Unexpected Grace 意想不到 A Christian’s grace-filled actions can smooth someone’ 2018-01-09
【Daily Bread】First Things First 分清主次 有态度的有声杂志有信仰的英文学习 信仰 | 英文 | 有声—JesusChrist— 2018-01-08
【Daily Bread】It’s All a Gift 全都是礼物 Eternal life is a free gift ready to be received.永生是白白 2018-01-07
【Daily Bread】Restored Failures 得着修复 Our stories of failure can be God’s stories of success 2018-01-06
【Daily Bread】Trusting God Even If The God we serve is able to deliver us. Daniel 3:17Due 2018-01-05
【Daily Bread】Restored Failures 得着修复【加中文】 Our stories of failure can be God’s stories of success 2018-01-04
【Daily Bread】Restored Failures Our stories of failure can be God’s stories of success 2018-01-03
【Daily Bread】Jesus Loves Maysel 耶稣爱茹诗 Jesus loves me! This I know. 2018-01-01
【Daily Bread】Christmas at MacPherson 报佳音,传喜讯 The good news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for 2017-12-31
【Daily Bread】Waiting 等待 We wait for God’s promises, believing they will come t 2017-12-30
【Daily Bread】Ham and Eggs 火腿与鸡蛋 When we are abandoned to God, He works through us all 2017-12-29
【Daily Bread】Imperfect, Yet Loved 不完美 Broken people are made whole by God’s love.不完美的人因上帝的爱得 2017-12-28
【Daily Bread】The Last Will Be First 末后的必为首 Jesus’s kingdom is upside-down.在耶稣的国度中,末后的必为首,谦卑的必被升高。 2017-12-27
【Daily Bread】The Power of Empathy 设身处地 Read: Hebrews 2:14–18; 13:1–3 阅读: 希伯来书2章14-18节; 13章1- 2017-12-25
周日【Daily Bread】Knowing Better 更加明白 God gives us a new start.上帝赐给我们一个新的开始。When the king he 2017-12-24
【Daily Bread】Harvest and Thanksgiving 收获与感恩节 Gratitude is the memory of a glad heart.思想主恩,心中喜乐,就是感恩 2017-12-23
【Daily Bread】The Heart’s True Home 安歇之所 Beneath all our longings is a deep desire for God. 我们一 2017-12-22
【Daily Bread】Our Powerful God 大能的上帝 Read: Amos 4:12–13 阅读: 阿摩司书4章12-13节 [He] who creates t 2017-12-21
【Daily Bread】God Knows 上帝知道 God sees everything we do for Him.上帝鉴察我们为祂所做的一切。Your F 2017-12-20