【Daily Bread】A Prayer of Forgiveness 饶恕的祷告 Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistr 2018-05-21
【Daily Bread】God at Work 上帝动工 God works in and through His followers.上帝在信徒的心中动工,并藉着他 2018-05-15
【Daily Bread】Not What It Seems 慎思明辨 God is always trustworthy.上帝永远值得信靠。Do not believe ever 2018-05-14
【Daily Bread】Treasure in Heaven 天上的财宝 Our real wealth is what we invest for eternity.能存到永恒的才 2018-05-13
【Daily Bread】Persevering with Peace 痛苦中的平安 God offers us peace as He holds us up and carries us t 2018-05-11
【Daily Bread】The Land of Far Distances 辽阔之地 Fix your eyes on Jesus.当定睛仰望耶稣。Your eyes will see the 2018-05-10
【Daily Bread】Responding to God’s Leading 回应呼召 We are not called to be comfortable. 2018-05-08
【Daily Bread】The Fingerprint of God 上帝的指纹 Each person is a unique expression of God’s loving design. 2018-05-07
【Daily Bread】Standing on the Promises 应许的确据 We have a promise-keeping God. 2018-05-06
(补发昨日)【Daily Bread】Before the Beginning 创世以前 We are created in the image of a God who is loving and relational. 2018-05-05
【Daily Bread】Keeping Close 反复思想 Surround yourself with God’s Word. 2018-05-05
【Daily Bread】A Change in Perspective 改变视角 God gives us the right perspective. 2018-05-03
【Daily Bread】Longing for God 渴慕上帝 God longs for us to long for Him. 2018-05-02
【Daily Bread】Breaking the Chains 打破枷锁 Jesus redeems us from the slavery of sin.耶稣救赎我们脱离罪恶的奴役 2018-04-30
【Daily Bread】Take Another Look at Jesus 反复思想耶稣! Looking to Jesus can give us courage to face the chall 2018-04-29
【Daily Bread】On-the-Job Training 在职训练 Knowing our Power-Source personally gives us confidenc 2018-04-28
【Daily Bread】Wisdom's Call 智慧的呼唤 God offers the true riches of wisdom to all who seek a 2018-04-27
【Daily Bread】The Widow's Faith 寡妇的信心 We may face situations beyond our reserves, but never 2018-04-26
【Daily Bread】Amnesia 失忆症 When we forget who we are, our Father cares.天父不要我们忘记自己 2018-04-25
【Daily Bread】Glory to the Grower 让万物生长 God deserves the glory for the growth of His people an 2018-04-24