【Daily Bread】 The Snake and the Tricycle 千真万确 I myself have carefully investigated everything from t 2017-09-19
【Daily Bread】Earnestly Searching 必被寻回 God seeks His beloved children.上帝必要寻回祂挚爱的儿女。You will 2017-09-17
【Daily Bread】 Lured Away 引诱 Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by t 2017-09-14
【Daily Bread】一笔勾销 Our Guilt Is Gone(音频更正) When God forgives, our guilt is gone.只要蒙上帝赦免,我们就无须再有罪咎 2017-09-13
【Daily Bread】心存谦卑 The Interests of Others In humility value others above yourselves, not looking 2017-09-13
【Daily Bread】收割庄稼 Ripe for Harvest Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe f 2017-09-11
【Daily Bread】Be Still 休息 Each day we need to be still and listen to the Lord. 2017-09-10
【Daily Bread】The Turn 转变 Our surprising God often shows His presence when we le 2017-09-09
【Daily Bread】From Grief to Joy 忧愁变为喜乐 One day our sorrow will be turned to joy!到那日,我们的忧愁要变为喜 2017-09-08
【Daily Bread】Promise of a Peaceful Home 和平家园 Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their 2017-09-06
【Daily Bread】不要怕只要信 Not Fear but Faith The Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. Numbers 2017-09-05
【Daily Bread】在祂翅膀底下 Under His Wings He will cover you with his feathers, and under his win 2017-09-04
【Daily Bread】凡事感恩 Grateful for Everything When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord 2017-09-03
【Daily Bread】Love for Children 守护儿童 Be an expression of the love of Jesus.活出耶稣的爱。活出耶稣的爱。Le 2017-09-02
【Daily Bread】From Fear to Faith 从恐惧到信心 When faced with difficult circumstances we can trust G 2017-09-01
【Daily Bread】If Only . . .若是…… To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him 2017-08-31
【Daily Bread】仆人君王 Available to All For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but 2017-08-28
【Daily Bread】Life to the Full 丰盛生命 Following Jesus is the way to a rich and satisfying li 2017-08-27
【Daily Bread】Reflecting God’s Love 反映主爱 Our intimate moments spent with God can change us and 2017-08-26
【Daily Bread】Showing Grace 温和 Gracious words are always the right words.Let your con 2017-08-25