【Daily Bread】The Daily Prayer 每天祷告 Read: Ephesians 6:18–19 | Bible in a Year: Ecclesiaste 2017-10-16
【Daily Bread】Let’s Finish the Race 让我们跑完吧! We need each other to get where God wants us to go. 2017-10-15
【Daily Bread】最好的福分 The Best Portion of All When we are His, He is ours, forever.You have made us 2017-10-14
【Daily Bread】Removing the Barriers 拆毁藩篱 He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as 2017-10-12
【Daily Bread】We Have a King 我们有一位王! God gives us the power and the privilege to enjoy the 2017-10-08
【Daily Bread】跨出第一步 Taking the First Step God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, no 2017-10-06
【Daily Bread】The One Who Understands 祂了解 God understands the struggles we face. 2017-10-05
【Daily Bread】领我走过 Carried Through Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in 2017-10-03
【Daily Bread】Writing Letters 写信 We are Christ’s letters. 2017-10-01
【Daily Bread】Seeing God 看见上帝 The clearer we see God, the clearer we see ourselves. 2017-09-30
【Daily Bread】The Ministry of Mourning 与人同哀 The ministry of mourning with others helps bring heali 2017-09-29
【Daily Bread】向上帝陈明 Give It to God Then [Hezekiah] went up to the temple of the Lord and 2017-09-28
【Daily Bread】A Little Bit of Paradise 天堂一角 God is making all things new.He who was seated on the 2017-09-27
【Daily Bread】Stepping into Strength 警醒祷告 Stepping into Strength(警醒祷告) 2017-09-26
【Daily Bread】无比的尊荣 Priceless Worship She, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had 2017-09-25
【Daily Bread】Made Clean 使人洁净 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be cl 2017-09-24
【Daily Bread】Don’t Run Alone 有人陪跑 Who can I encourage to persevere through difficulty to 2017-09-23
【Daily Bread】God’s Radiant Beauty 上帝的荣光 The beauty of creation reflects the beauty of our Crea 2017-09-22
【Daily Bread】God’s Doing Something New 上帝行新事 Our troubles can fill our prayers with love and empat 2017-09-21
【Daily Bread】Overflowing Fruit 丰硕的果实 The fruit of the Spirit changes us so we can impact t 2017-09-20