【Daily Bread】 The Survival Float 漂浮 ···欢迎关注JesusChrist611··· 2016-10-11
【Daily Bread】A Pleasing Aroma God is not nearly as concerned with our ability as He 2016-10-10
【Daily Bread】彼此扶持 Helping Each Other ···平安,欢迎收听Daily Bread··· God’s presence brings us comf 2016-10-09
【Daily Bread】要改变吗 Ready for a Change God is not nearly as concerned with our ability as He 2016-10-08
【Daily Bread】预备好了 Ready for the Wedding We need to be ready for Christ to come again.Therefore 2016-10-07
【Daily Bread】永远长存 Beyond Time Jesus is the Son of God, the Man beyond time, who give 2016-10-06
【Daily Bread】急难中的祷告 Emergency Prayer Nearness to God is our conscious security. A child in 2016-10-05
【Daily Bread】Evie’s Decision伊薇的决定 别只知道真理,当遵行主话,活出见证。你们往普天下去,传福音给万民听。-马可福音16章15节伊薇是美国一所高中 2016-10-02
【Daily Bread】What Matters Most上帝的爱 God’s love stands when all else has fallen.He sent his 2016-10-01
【Daily Bread】尽她所能 She Did What She Could She did what she could. Mark 14:8When her friends say 2016-09-29
【Daily Bread】 Graded with Grace 不应得到的 Grace and mercy are unearned blessings.恩典和怜悯是我们不应得的福分。 2016-09-28
【Daily Bread】A Bubble Break 泡泡时刻 Jesus provides an oasis of grace in the desert of tria 2016-09-27
【Daily Bread】 Doing What He Says 遵照吩咐 The closer we walk with God, the clearer we see His gu 2016-09-26
【Daily Bread】效法Good Imitation Jesus’s arms of welcome are always open.You became imi 2016-09-25
【Daily Bread】雕琢How to Carve a Duck Growing in Christ comes from a deepening relationship 2016-09-24
【Daily Bread】真自由了 Free Indeed The price of our freedom from sin was paid by Jesus’s 2016-09-22
【Daily Bread】The Ultimate Road Trip 崎岖不平 Repentance clears the way for our walk with God.In the 2016-09-20
【Daily Bread】看顾人的上帝 Naming God 上帝以慈爱的眼光看顾我们每一个人。夏甲就称那对她说话的耶和华为“看顾人的上帝”。-创世记16章13节圣经学者 2016-09-19