【Daily Bread】 Never Give Up 绝不放弃! Faith connects our weakness to God’s strength.信靠上帝,软弱者 2016-08-25
【Daily Bread】The Best Is Yet to Come 未来更美好 When we walk with God, the best is yet to come.与上帝同行,未 2016-08-24
【Daily Bread】Making Time 原地踏步 Waiting on God is active trust in Him.等候上帝,便是积极地信靠祂。Le 2016-08-23
【Daily Bread】Love Your Neighbor 爱人如己 Read: Romans 13:8–11We show our love for God when we l 2016-08-21
【Daily Bread】Best Friend—Forever 永远的挚友 Read: James 2:18–26 What a friend we have in Jesus.耶稣是 2016-08-20
【Daily Bread】Test Match 漫无尽头 When your burdens overwhelm you, remember that God has 2016-08-17
【Daily Bread】不再恐惧 Free From Fear Ask God to free you from your fears.祈求上帝救你脱离一切的恐惧。I so 2016-08-15
【Daily Bread】歇一歇 Human Race We do not rest because our work is done; we rest becau 2016-08-14
【Daily Bread】全心顺服 Tactical Distractions 耶和华说:“你这样发怒合乎理吗?”-约拿书4章4节记得我和妻子第一次合作写书的时候,我不得不承认我拖稿的习 2016-08-13
【Daily Bread】祂明了 He Understands Jesus is our light in the darkest night.在漆黑的漫漫长夜,耶稣是我们 2016-08-12
【Daily Bread】An Open Hand 乐意付出 The open hand is blessed, for it gives in abundance ev 2016-08-09
【Daily Bread】Unexpected 意想不到 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever los 2016-08-07
【Daily Bread】谁在看顾你 Who's Watching You? The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous. Psalm 34:15 2016-08-06
【Daily Bread】Something I Should Know 该学习什么? Taking time to be with God is the best place to find s 2016-08-05
【Daily Bread】The Easy Road 易走之路? God’s timing is always right—wait patiently for Him.耐心 2016-08-03
【Daily Bread】爱的语言 Language of Love May the words we speak point others to Jesus. 愿我们口中的言语 2016-07-31
【Daily Bread】赐下一切所需 Everything We Need and More God has unlimited power.上帝有无限的能力。 [God’s] divine power 2016-07-30
【Daily Bread】首要任务 Our Chief Task Love people; love the truth.关怀人们,持守真理。 I am the way an 2016-07-28
【Daily Bread】Strengthening the Heart 坚固你心 God’s training is designed to grow us in faith.上帝的锻炼要让 2016-07-27