【Daily Bread】Tears and Laughter 眼泪与欢笑 Read: Ezra 3:7–13Both tears and smiles bring God prais 2016-07-01
【Daily Bread】Safety Net 恩典救赎 Only God can transform a sinful soul into a masterpiec 2016-06-30
【Daily Bread】Our New Name 新名字 Followers of Christ have a brand-new identity.基督的跟随者 2016-06-29
补发【Daily Bread】Better By Far 好得无比 我……情愿离世与基督同在,因为这是好得无比的。?-腓立比书1章23节警报声响起,小男孩因为不熟悉这个龙卷风的 2016-06-27
【Daily Bread】Better By Far 诚实的祷告 Read: Philippians 1:12–26 Belief in Jesusx26#39;s death and 2016-06-26
【Daily Bread】 Broken to Be Made New 医治破碎心灵 Read: Psalm 119:71–75Brokenness can lead to wholeness. 2016-06-24
【Daily Bread】The Beauty of Rome 永恒之美 The Lamb who died is the Lord who lives!被杀的羔羊就是永活的救主。N 2016-06-23
【Daily Bread】You Have Purpose 活着的目的 Even when everything seems meaningless, God still has 2016-06-22
【Daily Bread】Strength for the Weary 从新得力 When lifex26#39;s struggles make you weary, find strength in 2016-06-21
【Daily Bread】Not a Simple Story 不是简单模式 Read: 2 Chronicles 16:7–14 God helps those who depend 2016-06-19
【Daily Bread】Knowing and Doing 知行合一 Read: Mark 10:17-27 Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you 2016-06-18
【Daily Bread】Can’t Die But Once 不过一死 True freedom is found in knowing and serving Christ.认识 2016-06-16
【Daily Bread】He Walked in Our Shoes 亲身经历 Jesus understands.耶稣全都了解。Because he himself suffered w 2016-06-15
【Daily Bread】Flowing Peace 属灵气质 When we keep our mind on God, His Spirit keeps our min 2016-06-14
【Daily Bread】When the Woods Wake Up 万物复甦 Read: John 11:14-27Every new leaf of springtime is a r 2016-06-12