【Daily Bread】A Piercing Thorn 刺痛的荆棘 Jesus allowed Himself to be pierced to bring us spiritual peace with God. 2018-10-18
【Daily Bread】The Prayer and the Chain Saw 祷告与电锯 Make prayer a first priority, instead of a last resort. 2018-10-17
【Daily Bread】Terrible and Beautiful Things 坏事与美事 God’s love and beauty make us brave.上帝的慈爱与美善,使我们勇敢刚强。 2018-10-16
【Daily Bread】Trust Him First 先相信 God carries us to new places of grace as we trust in Him. 2018-10-15
【Daily Bread】Ask the Animals 且问动物 God’s world teaches us about Him.上帝创造的世界,使我们更认识祂。 2018-10-14
【Daily Bread】He Carried Our Burden 重担 Jesus carried the burden of our sin so He could give us the blessing of life. 2018-10-13
【Daily Bread】Safe in His Arms 在主怀中 The good news is that God cares for us! 2018-10-12
【Daily Bread】Singing to the Firing Squad 行刑前的歌唱 How sweet is the sound of God’s amazing grace! 2018-10-10
【Daily Bread】Much More Than Words 难以言喻 When we feel weak in our prayers, God’s Spirit helps us in ways we can’t imagine. 2018-10-09
【Daily Bread】Our Singing Father 天父欢唱 Our heavenly Father delights in His children like a parent singing to a newborn baby. 2018-10-08
【Daily Bread】A Warm Welcome for All 欢迎每个人 When we practice hospitality, we share God’s goodness. 2018-10-07
【Daily Bread】Twinkle 明光照耀 Jesus brings light into our life.耶稣照亮我们的生命。Shine among 2018-10-06
【Daily Bread】Better Than Ever 变得更好 God has both an all-seeing eye and all-forgiving heart. 2018-10-05
【Daily Bread】Asking for Help 寻求帮助 God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. 2018-10-03
【Daily Bread】For Our Friends 宽以待人 When we love Christ, we love others. 2018-10-02
【Daily Bread】God’s Brand 上帝的一根柴 God rescues us because He loves us; 2018-10-01
【Daily Bread】Unlocking a Mystery 解开谜团 Unity in Christ breaks down barriers and builds the church。 2018-09-30
【Daily Bread】Gleaning the Fields 庇护之所 God cares for the vulnerable. 2018-09-29
【Daily Bread】Asking God First 先问上帝 Do your decisions please God? 2018-09-28
【Daily Bread】When We’re Weary 不要灰心 We can leave the results of our lives in God’s hands. 2018-09-27