【Daily Bread】Help from Heaven 来自上帝的帮助 As we cry out to God for help, we can trust that He will be with us. 2018-08-12
【Daily Bread】That Smiling Man 笑脸迎人 The best way to do satisfying work is to do it for the Lord. 2018-08-11
【Daily Bread】A Hopeful Lament 仍有盼望 We can trust God to bring something new out of our seasons of lament. 2018-08-10
【Daily Bread】A Good Daddy 好爸爸 Remembering God’s works, which reveal His character, r 2018-08-09
【Daily Bread】Dedicated to Love 全心爱人 We must love those for whom Christ died as well as those in whom Christ lives. 2018-08-08
【Daily Bread】The Joy of Giving 给予带来喜乐 The giver is the greatest recipient. 2018-08-07
【Daily Bread】When the Bottom Drops Out 陷入困境 God is good in both the good times and the bad. 2018-08-06
【Daily Bread】Hard Mysteries 难解的奥秘 God’s justice and mercy intersect at the cross. 2018-08-05
【Daily Bread】Radical Love 不一样的爱 How deep is the Father’s love for us! 2018-08-04
【Daily Bread】To My Dear Friend 致我好友 Encouraging words bring hope to the human spirit. 2018-08-03
【Daily Bread】倾盆大雨 Healing Flood God’s power transforms.上帝的大能带来复兴。He turned the desert 2018-08-02
【Daily Bread】无限的爱 Love Without Limits There is never any variation in God’s enduring love fo 2018-08-01
【Daily Bread】Sinners Like Us 罪人如我 God pursues us in our restlessness, receives us in our 2018-07-31
【Daily Bread】胜过挑战 Overcoming Challenges God equips us to overcome obstacles and complete the t 2018-07-30
【Daily Bread】哀伤中的盼望 Hope in Grief Though we grieve, we have hope in Jesus.在悲痛哀伤中,我们能在耶稣里 2018-07-29
【Daily Bread】饼和石头 Bees and Snakes We can rely on our Father for everything we need.我们的一切 2018-07-28
【Daily Bread】 Lavish Expressions of Love 爱的表达 Generous giving displays courageous confidence in God’ 2018-07-27
【Daily Bread】无私的服事 Unselfish Service Selfless service to others brings honor to God.无私的服事使上 2018-07-26
【Daily Bread】完美的缺陷 Perfect Imperfection We are free to grow in Jesus’s love.让我们在耶稣的爱和真理中自由地成长吧 2018-07-25
Daily Bread | 耶稣知道 Jesus Knows Why Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus. Robert Cull 2018-07-24