Daily Bread | 耶稣知道 Jesus Knows Why Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus. Robert Cull 2018-07-24
【Daily Bread】悉心看顾 Watchful Care We are never outside the watchful care of our heavenly 2018-07-23
【Daily Bread】Hope Anyway 凡事盼望 God’s Word is the true source of comfort.上帝的话语是得安慰的源头。 2018-07-22
【Daily Bread】风暴中的避难所 Shelter from the Storm Our Savior calms temptation’s storm.在试探的风暴中,主是我们的避难所。B 2018-07-21
【Daily Bread】温暖的家 Home Sweet Home We look forward to being with the Lord forever.我们祈盼永远与 2018-07-19
【Daily Bread】人生目标 What’s Your Passion There is a longing in every heart that only Jesus can 2018-07-18
【Daily Bread】我办不到 I Just Can’t Do It Through the Son we can enjoy life in God’s kingdom. 我们 2018-07-17
【Daily Bread】不必担保 No Co-Signer Required God’s promises are sure.上帝的应许乃千真万确。People swear by som 2018-07-16
【Daily Bread】最好的礼物 The Best Gift Our Father gives good gifts.一切美善的恩典,都是从天父而来。Seek and y 2018-07-15
【Daily Bread】祂晓得 He Knows Us No matter where we are, God knows about us.不管我们在哪里,面对何 2018-07-13
【Daily Bread】定心丸 An Anchor When We’re Afraid God’s comforting presence is more powerful than our fe 2018-07-12
【Daily Bread】同是异乡人 Strangers Welcome Strangers To whom can I show hospitality?今天我可以款待谁呢?When a foreig 2018-07-11
【Daily Bread】我灵安静 Be Still, My Soul Contentment is found in Christ alone.只有在基督里,才能得着满足。I h 2018-07-09
【Daily Bread】同有一主 Many Gifts, One Purpose We need one another in order to be what God wants us t 2018-07-08
【Daily Bread】全然倚靠 Declaring Dependence Prayerlessness is our declaration of independence from 2018-07-07
【Daily Bread】伟大的创造 God’s Great Creation The beauty of creation reflects the beauty of our Crea 2018-07-06
【Daily Bread】隐藏之美 Hidden Beauty God can help me to see the inner beauty in others.上帝让我 2018-07-05
【Daily Bread】A Perfect World 完美世界 God’s perfect world is for all who believe in Jesus.相信 2018-07-04
【Daily Bread】I See You 我看见你了 God always keeps His eye on His children.上帝永远看顾祂的孩子。Th 2018-07-03
【Daily Bread】Living Out Loud 活出信仰 May our lives cause others to ask the reason we have h 2018-07-02