

Young church plant rejoices over audio Bibles


DRC (MNN) — Over one-third of the population in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is illiterate, according to The Joshua Project. Which means for this portion of the population, their main method of gathering and sharing information is through oral methods. And for the purpose of sharing the Gospel, audio methods prove invaluable. Which is why audio Bibles like the Treasure with World Mission are vital for sharing God’s Word in the DRC. World Mission’s Greg Kelley was just in Central  DRC on a Treasure distribution to a unique people group.

DRC(MNN)--据约书亚工程数据显示,在刚果民主共和国超过三分之一的的民众都是文盲。也就是说这部分人只能是通过口语方法进行信息的收集和分享。为了向他们传福音,音频的方法是极其宝贵的。这也是世界宣教机构把有声圣经看作宝贝的原因,对于刚果的人民来说,这对分享神话语是非常重要的。世界宣教机构的Greg Kelley,刚刚在刚果中央向一个特殊人群分发了有声圣经。

“Today we are in the Kiri Rainforest, the second largest rainforest in the entire world (also known as the Congo Rainforest). Within it live the Pygmy, who are the last remaining unreached people in the entire country of the Democratic Republic of [the]Congo,” says Kelley.


 “We’re seeing God do amazing things. We are literally inside a church that is a recent church plant — just five months old — because of the Treasure, our solar-powered audio Bible distributed in their language. Last night we shared the Gospel with a gathering and 40 people became followers of Jesus. It was a beautiful thing, and right now, we’re giving Treasures to many of them who came to know Christ so they can begin a discipleship process and just begin to grow in the Lord.”


Even as Kelley spoke, you could hear the celebration taking place in the background with drums and singing. Kelley shares, “It’s just overwhelming looking at this, hearing the people singing, rejoicing about Jesus and what He’s done for them, all because of the solar-powered Treasure in the Lingala language.”


Although they had a very successful distribution filled with rejoicing in the Lord, their work in the DRC with the Pygmy people isn’t finished.


“As is the case, unfortunately, in many places we go we just don’t have enough Treasures to distribute. The people are pushing around and they’re pressing in because they’re so desperate to have the Word of God. Today we have about 20 Treasures we’re distributing, but there’s probably more than 150 people representing families and communities. Some of them have walked several days just to be here. So we will distribute some Treasures, but we ask for your prayers to help us provide more Treasures, the Word of God in the Lingala language for these precious people.”


Each Treasure costs $50 to produce, and each gift given literally means another person, family, or community gets one more Treasure audio Bible in their heart language. 



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