
Christmas Special 圣诞特供 :如何用真理装饰你的圣诞树



However you do it, trimming the tree is a best-loved tradition as December dawns.Though it’s an age-old practice, dating back to the 16th century and often attributed to Martin Luther, bedecking an evergreen tree is ritual of significance for most families. Wives, hands on hips, stand back just far enough to see and cock their heads to the left, then the right, to direct husbands to the exact magical spot the tree must hold in its pre-eminent place in the living room. Ladders are propped, lights are looped, paper-crafted and glittered glass ornaments are hung alike.


And in my childhood, family anticipation mounted until the last ornament was hung and the glistening star was appointed on the tallest branch because then we all stepped back, my dad turned out every light in the room except for the tree, and we admired our handiwork with ooohs and ahhhs.


Traditions are helpful when they create togetherness around an activity of meaning.But what if traditions are void of meaning….or even lead to conflict, as has happened in our family’s Christmases past. What if the plethora of cute and whimsical snowmen, reindeer, and other modernday characters obscure the essence of Christmas to the point that it becomes meaningless? Or maybe your kids are just confused with the lack of balance between the real story of the baby Jesus and the abundance of entertaining movies and stories and songs that focus on everything but Jesus.


A year ago, I met a kindred spirit friend who told me this was her story.  One day Allison stopped to ask herself this question, “Why are we doing all of this?”Though her four young kids looked forward to the annual tree decorating day, Allison couldn’t get past what seemed like a distraction from the real message she and her husband were trying to teach in their home. Sure, the tree was beautiful, magical, whimsical, and festive. But was it truthful?  Was the focus of attention during the month of December, their Christmas tree, about Jesus?


Further questions formed in Allison’s thinking. Was it obvious to holiday guests what she and her husband believed?  Was their outward practice of Christmas so like everyone else even though their hearts and souls were transformed by the hayborn Savior? Did their tree proclaim visions of sugarplums, toys and hobbies, and even affluence, or did it tell of God’s amazing gift of Jesus on that first Christmas morning?


Allison‘s dream is to help families put the focus back on Christ as the center of Christmas.So here are a few ideas on how to trim your tree with truth:


Choose Christ-centered ornaments. 选择以基督为中心的装饰物。

1. Allison’s first big step in starting new Christmas traditions was buying our ornaments with the names of Jesus. Allison的第一步,就是买一些印有耶稣名字的装饰物。

Check out His Advent Names, His Royal Names, His Savior Names, and His Name Among the Nations to bedazzle your tree with His names. 像祂的降生,祂的君王身份,祂的救主身份,或者祂在各国文字中的名字。

2. Adorn your tree top with His name too. 


3. Involve your kids. 


Holidays are some of the best times to teach our kids God’s story.


 May this Christmas be the most memorable because you chose to make the focus of the holiday on the One who came to this broken planet to bring us redemption and new life.  May you decorate your home and your tree with truth for His honor!


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