
【游行天下】TOP 5 Holiday Reads 5大旅行读物

Being a Beast, by Charles Foster

In a bid to better understand what it’s like to be an animal, unconventional nature writer, Charles Foster, decided to live like one.

为了更好地理解作为一个动物的感觉,一位打破传统的自然作家Charles Foster决定:模仿动物生活。

But there’s more to this book than just wondering what animal he’s going to try and become next. Foster is a creative narrator with genuine literary skill and a masterful eye for pacing.  


This year’s H is for Hawk.本年度的书成为H,代表鹰。


Get Mapmaking, by Rian Hughes

Don’t be dictated to! Don’t be fenced in by Google Maps or told by Ordnance Survey that there’s no place in the grown-up world for self-made treasure maps.

不要再被指挥了。别被Google Maps圈住你自己,或者被Ordnance Survey告知在成人的世界里没有地方给你自制藏宝图了。

Pick up a copy of Rian Hughes’ terrifically fun Get Mapmaking and start doing some DIY for your next adventure.



 The Little Book of Mindful Travel, by Tiddy Rowan

Travelling is a wonderful opportunity to experience new places and meet new people, but admit it – it’s often punctuated with moments of extreme stress that can leave you questioning why on earth you bother.


Enter Tiddy Rowan’s Little Book of Mindful Travel. Like sourdough bread and colouring books, mindfulness seems to be everywhere you look right now but in applying the principles of the approach specifically to how we travel, Rowan has created an invaluable tool for making sure you get the most from your journeys.



The Buried Giant, by Kazuo Ishiguro

Though I didn’t care much for his previous book, An Artist of the Floating World, which should have had the subtitle “Make Me into a Film Starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson ASAP", Ishiguro has proven himself one of the most accomplished British novelists of our time.

尽管我并没有太关注他的上一部作品“An Artist of the Floating World”,已经被搬上了银幕,由安东尼霍普金斯和艾玛汤姆森主演。作者依旧证明了他是当今英国最有成就的小说家之一。


The High Mountains of Portugal, by Yann Martel

Yann Martel's eagerly anticipated new book scooped the Man Booker Prize only last week.


If the very prospect of an opportunity to renew your acquaintance with this sublimely gifted and playfully inventive novelist doesn’t fill you to the brim with unrelenting joy then I can only guess that you’ve never read one of his books before.



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