
Strength For Today | 属灵健忘 Spiritual Amnesia

    Spiritual Amnesia    


? 2 Peter 彼得后书 1:9

“For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins” (2 Peter 1:9).


If you don’t practice spiritual virtues now, you’ll forget their significance later.


Physical nearsightedness and mental amnesia both are unwanted conditions. Nearsightedness (myopia) causes people’s eyes to focus the parallel rays of light in front of the retina. They can clearly see things right in front of them, but the farther out they look, the more out of focus objects become.


Amnesia, of course, is memory loss. Sometimes it’s selective, but usually it’s total—everything prior to a certain time or incident. It often causes people to forget their name, their family, and everything about their identity and background.


Those two impairments should be even less welcome on the spiritual level. Professed believers who are unfruitful become spiritually nearsighted. They focus on temporal fads and passing earthly fashions. By the time they try to look ahead to eternity, it is so out of focus for them that they can’t see it.


Those with spiritual amnesia, because they see no increase of spiritual virtue in their lives, forget they were supposed to be saved from their sinful lifestyles. They don’t remember the spiritual “purification” (catharsis) that should have occurred in their lives—a reference to a deep internal purging or cleansing.


If you are not diligently pursuing spiritual virtue and moral excellence, you will have a very fuzzy view of your true condition. You may connect an outward action or emotional experience with the time you professed Christ, but you will not have a sense of assurance. Commentator Richard Bauckham explained it this way: “The ‘knowledge of Jesus Christ’ [v. 8], received at conversion, came as illumination to those who were blind in their pagan ignorance (2 Cor. 4:4), but Christians who do not carry through the moral implications of this knowledge have effectively become blind to it again.”

如果你不努力追求属灵美德和道德优秀,你会对自己的现状模糊不清。也许你可以把外在的行动和情感的体验与宣称基督联系起来,但却没有确信感。释经家Richard Bauckham如此解释:“认识耶稣基督(8节),就是在接受信仰时,启迪那些迷失在异教无知中的人(林后44),而对那些并不接受这知识的暗示的基督徒来说,实际上是再次的对认识基督视而不见。”

Regarding 1 Peter 1:5-9, it all comes down to this: if you are seeing your life grow in moral virtue, you have proof of salvation and a reason for assurance. If you are not seeing your life grow in virtue, you have no proof of salvation and no reason for assurance. Be diligent to avoid spiritual myopia and amnesia in your life.


Suggestions for Prayer


Pray that you would have clear spiritual vision at all times.


For Further Study


Read Hebrews 6:1-12. How can this passage help you avoid spiritual amnesia?

阅读希伯来书6:1-12. 此段经文如何帮助我们避免属灵健忘?

作者:John MacAuthor

翻译:Ruth Wei


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Strength for Today】,1997年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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