
【Strength for Today】Forbearing Love 宽容之爱

Forbearing Love


“. . . Showing forbearance to one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2).

“. . . . . .用爱心相互宽容”(以弗所书4:2)。

In order to walk worthy, we must forgive our enemies and love them.


The term forbearance is not often used today and is therefore unfamiliar to many of us. The Greek word translated “showing forbearance”   means “suppressing with silence.” It carries the idea of throwing a blanket over sin. First Peter 4:8 says, “Love covers a multitude of sins,” and Proverbs 10:12 declares, “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions.” A forbearing person doesn’t trumpet other people’s sins but rather forgives them. Forbearance has room for the failures of others. A forbearing person also loves people in spite of the wrongs they might have done to him.


Agape, the word used for “love”   in this verse, is the love that gives but never takes. It’s the kind of love  that seeks the highest good for another, no matter what the cost. God showed  His agape by giving us His only Son (John 3:16). Jesus said, “Greater love [agape] has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (15:13). Agape is unconquerable benevolence and invincible goodness; it is completely selfless.


Perhaps the greatest description of forbearing love is the summary Jesus   gives in Matthew 5:43-45: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love   your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and   pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” We were God’s enemies before He saved us, but He was willing to send His Son anyway (Rom. 5:10). Since we are God’s children, we  must also seek our enemies’ highest good, whatever it costs us. Such cost  ought to include more than simply enduring slander and persecution from our  enemies. Genuine forbearing love will assume the more difficult task of  loving those who hate us.


Suggestions for Prayer


Thank God that He showed forbearing love in sending Christ to die for undeserving sinners.

Pray for your enemies and for strength to love them as you should.



For Further Study 02


  • Besides Christ, the clearest example of forbearing love is Stephen’s attitude toward those who stoned him. Read his story in Acts 6—7, and note his love toward his executioners.

  • 除基督外,宽容之爱最清晰的样本,就是司提反面对那些用石头打他之人的态度。阅读使徒行传6-7章中司提反的故事,留意他对那些侩子手的爱。

  • Think about  people you have a hard time loving, and pray that God would show you specific ways you can show love to them. Then follow through!

  • 想想那些你难以去爱的人,祈求神启示你特定的方法,让你可以向他们显明爱。然后贯彻执行!


作者:John MacAuthor


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Strength for Today】,1997年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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