
【婚恋】Successful Marriage成功的婚姻


Inseparable during 70 years of marriage, Kenneth and Helen Felumlee, an elderly couple from Nashport, Ohio, passed away only 15 hours apart earlier this month.  Helen was 92, and Kenneth was 91.

70年相濡以沫不离不弃的婚姻之后,Kenneth和Helen Felumlee这对来自于Ohio Nashport的年迈夫妇,在15个小时之内归入天国。享年92岁(Helen),和91岁(Kenneth)。

“We knew when one went, the other was going to go,” said one of their children.  “We wanted them to go together, and they did.”


In a time when so many couples are delaying marriage or avoiding it altogether, when some are even questioning whether the institution of marriage is “outdated,” it was nice to read a positive story of two people who made it work.


I guess people will always like a good love story.


Kenneth and Helen’s eight children said their devotion to each other grew stronger with each year. 


They told how the couple would hold hands each day during breakfast.And when Kenneth had a leg amputated a few years ago, Helen devoted herself to caring for him, even at her age.


 “She was so weak, she could hardly do it,” son Cody said. “But she was still pushing his chair; she was still filling his water cup.”  This continued until three weeks before they died.


I was also impressed by the stories the children told about their parents’ commitment to helping others.  They both taught Sunday school at their Methodist church.  In addition to cooking for her own family, Helen often prepared enough to feed others in need.  She was known for her extensive greeting card ministry—sending birthday cards, sympathy cards, notes of encouragement. 


In one of her articles about the couple, the author wrote: 

When the Felumlees moved out of their original house in Old Nashport and built a bigger home down the street, they gave their old house to a widow and her brother who were having trouble providing for themselves. Kenneth told them, “You’ve got a house for the rest of your life,” son Jim Felumlee recalled. The Felumlees never asked for rent and would help with utilities when needed. Helen prepared food and did their laundry weekly until they passed away.


Living by the Felumlees, it was hard for neighbors to be in need. Everything the couple had was community property. “That’s what it’s there for,” Kenneth would say when someone would ask to borrow something.


When a couple lives out their life and marriage that well, others notice.  One old friend wrote:


They knew me my entire life, watched my boys grow up and always looked out for them. My oldest son used to ride his bike across the street so that he and Kenny "could work on it." I want to remember them by watching them walk hand and hand "around the block" as they did nearly every morning or night, but never without fail. A love like that is hard to find.


Stories like this that remind them that marriage can work.

